Thursday, December 30, 2010
If you're a Muslim, it's your problem
When will they declare, loud and clear, with no qualifications or quibbles about Britain's foreign policy, that Islamic terrorism is WRONG?
Most of all, when will the Muslim community in this country accept an absolute, undeniable, total truth: that Islamic terrorism is THEIR problem? THEY own it. And it is THEIR duty to face it and eradicate it.
To stop the denial, endless fudging and constant wailing that somehow it is everyone else's problem and, if Islamic terrorism exists at all, they are somehow the main victims.
Because until that happens the problem will never be resolved.
And there will be more 7/7s and, sometime in the future, another airplane plot will succeed with horrific loss of innocent life.
Equally important, those British politicians who have seemed obsessed with pandering to, and even encouraging, this state of denial, must throw off their politically-correct blinkers and recognise the same truth—that Muslim terrorism in Britain is the direct responsibility of British Muslims.
Read it all.
Muslim fanatic jailed for preaching race hate now accused of swindling benefits
The 35-year-old was freed from prison last year after being convicted of inciting racial hatred during protests in London against cartoon depictions of the prophet Mohammed.
Abu Yahya selling clothes at the New Covent Garden Market in Vauxhall earlier this month
Yahya is thought to have been claiming benefits while working on clothing stalls in both Stratford, East London, and another outlet at London’s New Covent Garden Market in Vauxhall.
At the same he time, he has failed to provide any maintenance for his five children with his former wife Kay.
She is the younger sister of actress Laila Rouass who has starred in Footballers’ Wives, Spooks and last year’s series of Strictly Come Dancing.
When the Daily Mail approached Kay, she refused to discuss her ex-husband or the provision he makes for their children.
But a family friend said: ‘He works illegally, claims benefits and sees virtually nothing of his children.
‘He likes to say “Allah provides” – but in reality it is the state he seems to despise so much that makes the provisions for him. The Child Support Agency claim there is nothing they can do to make him pay for his children because he is in receipt of jobseekers’ allowance.’
Yahya first came to public prominence in February 2006 when he and other thugs hijacked afternoon prayers at the Regent’s Park Mosque in north London.
They chanted ‘UK you will pay – Bin Laden is on his way’ and ‘UK, USA, 7/7 on its way’.
Yahya was one of four men who appeared in court a year later and was convicted of inciting racial hatred.
He was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment, but served little more than two years and was released in August 2009.
Kay Rocco, wife of Yahya, refused to discuss what provision he makes for their children
He also made headlines earlier this year when he carried out a poisonous rant both inside and outside the Old Bailey. Joined by Mohammed Shamsuddin, he protested at the court as 21-year-old radicalised King’s College London student Roshonara Choudhry was sentenced to life for trying to kill MP Stephen Timms in a knife attack.
Wearing Islamic robes and with their faces twisted in hate, they hurled abuse at a terrified female juror in the case who was wearing a Muslim headscarf as they shouted: ‘Shame on you, sister’.
Outside the court the pair waved banners, saying: ‘Islam will dominate the world’ and ‘British soldiers must die!’
Yahya, who is still intent on Muslims fighting a holy war, splits his time between a council-maintained flat in Bow and his mother’s home in Ilford, both in East London.
Asked last night by the Daily Mail what benefits he currently receives, Yahya would only say: ‘My circumstances have recently changed and I now do not currently receive full jobseekers’ allowance at the moment. But I am not prepared to tell you what assistance I receive from the state in regards of my housing or living costs.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
It is believed to be the first case of its kind in Britain.
Church leaders say it is no longer “appropriate” for them to run Sacred Heart RC Primary School which has just six Christian pupils.
Just 10 years ago more than 90% of pupils were Catholic. But now most are of Asian origin, do not speak English as their first language and follow Islam.
The school in Blackburn, Lancs, could be handed to the nearby Masjid-e-Tauheedul mosque.
Harry Devonport of Blackburn with Darwen Council Children’s Services, said the decision to abandon the school was made by the Diocese of Salford.
Diocese education director Geraldine Bradbury said: “We have never experienced a change to this extent before.
We would not be serving the local community by insisting that we run the school.
It brings things like having a Catholic headteacher and devoting 10% of the timetable to RE.
“It would be wrong of us to insist on putting a school community through that.”
The mosque runs an Islamic girls’ secondary school.
Head Hamid Patel said: “Given that almost all of the pupils are Muslim, it makes sense.”
Other organisations are in the race to run the school – in a predominantly Asian populated area of the town – including the Church of England diocese.
But the Tauheedul mosque is favourite to take over.
The British taxpayer funded POPULATION JIHAD continues at warp speed.
A report to the local council said any attempt to turn Sacred Heart into a non-religious community school would be rejected because of the Coalition Government’s “stated preference for new faith schools and free schools”.
Mr Devonport added: “There will be no disruption for children at the school.”
Christian pupils are now outnumbered by Muslims at Roman Catholic schools in some parts of England.
Comedians spark outrage by dressing in niqabs for TV show
Clarkson and Richard Hammond decided to dress in niqabs, a form of the burka where everything but the eyes are covered, in order to disguise themselves on the road.
They also got James May in on the act when they greeted him from hospital after he fell and hit his head on rocks in the Syrian desert.
But their joke backfired after they were slammed by Muslims for mocking their religion.
Islamic extremist Anjem Choudary, said: 'The burka is a symbol of our religion and people should not make jokes about it in any way.
'It would have been equally bad even if they'd not been in a country mainly populated by Muslims.'...
This is not the first time Clarkson has caused a storm over a burka. In July this year he told Top Gear viewers that he had seen a Muslim woman wearing saucy underwear beneath her gown.
There is no recorded Muslim outrage over the recently-uncovered jihad plot to bomb Big Ben and Westminster Abbey. But if a couple of Infidels dress up in niqabs, watch out.
Monday, December 27, 2010
'Cowardly' drunken thugs beat up pensioner, 69, for wearing RAF blazer and poppy
Anthony O'Brien, 69, was attacked by the thugs, aged between 17 and 20, after meeting friends to plan the funeral of a former colleague.
Mr O'Brien said today that as they attacked him they shouted: 'Blow up all soldiers. F****** shoot all you b*******s - death to all soldiers.'
The pair - described as being of Asian or mixed race - then headbutted and punched him to the floor leaving him in a daze.
Mr O'Brien staggered back to his home nearby in Fallowfield, Manchester, but has been left wheelchair-bound after being treated for his injuries.
The grandfather said:'The yobs who did this to me are nothing but cowardly scum.
'I wear my blazer and poppy regularly because it's smart and I'm proud of it, yet these thugs obviously treat all that with utter contempt.
'It really gets me angry, if they had any respect they wouldn't have said what they said or attacked me.
'At the end of the day they are cowards for doing it to an older person, one of them was a big fella - he should have picked on someone his own size.'
Mr O'Brien, who served with the parachute squadron at Wolverhampton in the 1960s, had met friends at a pub to plan the funeral service of a former colleague.
Investigation: PC Mike Seddon has appealed for witnesses to the attack on Mr O'Brien
He said: 'I'd had one pint and then left to go home.
I saw these two lads and as I got near them they started shouting and swearing
'I told them to leave me alone but then the little fella hit me on the side of my head.
'Then the other fella was right in front of me coming towards my head and I didn't have time to move and he head-butted me.Then they ran away.
'I don't know if I will ever forget it, I think about it all the time. I'm scared to go outside on my own now.'
Police are now forensically examining Mr O'Brien's blazer to see if the thugs left any DNA on it.
PC Michael Seddon, of Greater Manchester Police who is investigating the incident, said, 'This was a mindless and brutal attack on a vulnerable member of the community.
'We would urge anyone with information to come forward. In particular, we would like to speak with the man who stopped just after the attack.'
One of the attackers was described as of stocky build, 5ft 6in, had thin braided hair and was wearing dark clothing.
The second man was chubby, 5ft 4in, had short shaved black hair and was wearing dark clothing.
The two men fled the scene on bicycles.
For a far more extensive representation of muslim violence worldwide go to the Religion of Peace website
Nine charged with conspiracy to cause explosions
The suspects - aged between 19 and 28 - are from Cardiff, London and Stoke-on-Trent and were held a week ago during a series of dawn raids by counter-terrorism officers.
They are also accused of engaging in conduct in preparation for acts of terrorism - including carrying out reconnaissance and testing incendiary material. They will appear at the City of Westminster Magistrates Court in London.
In all 12 men, at least five of whom were of Bangladeshi origin, were held during the raids by unarmed police on December 20 in London, Cardiff, Stoke-on-Trent and Birmingham.
A men are driven to Westminster Magistrates Court today. The suspects - aged between 19 and 28 - are from Cardiff, London and Stoke-on-Trent and were held a week ago during a series of dawn raids by counter-terrorism officers
Two men from Cardiff and one from London have been released without charge.
The nine suspects are charged with conspiring to cause an explosion or explosions in the UK 'of a nature likely to endanger life or cause serious injury to property' between October 1 and November 20 this year.
They are also accused of engaging in conduct in preparation for acts of terrorism between October 1 and December 20, including by downloading and researching materials and methods; carrying out reconnaissance and agreeing potential targets, and igniting and testing incendiary material.
Those charged from Cardiff are Gurukanth Desai, 28; Omar Sharif Latif, 26; and Abdul Malik Miah, 24.
The two men charged from London are Mohammed Moksudur Rahman Chowdhury, 20, and Shah Mohammed Lutfar Rahman, 28.
Also charged are Stoke-on-Trent residents Nazam Hussain, 25; Usman Khan, 19; Mohibur Rahman, 26; and Abul Bosher Mohammed Shahjahan, 26.
Police officers searched the garden of a home in Stoke-on-Trent.
Sue Hemming, head of the Crown Prosecution Service Counter Terrorism Division, said: 'I have today advised the police that nine men should be charged with conspiracy to cause explosions and with engaging in conduct in preparation for acts of terrorism with the intention of either committing acts of terrorism, or assisting another to commit such acts.
'Lawyers from the CPS Counter Terrorism Division have been working with the police on this case from an early stage and were on hand to give advice while the men were interviewed.
'I have reviewed the evidence provided to me by the West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit and I am satisfied there is sufficient for a realistic prospect of conviction, and it is in the public interest that these men should be charged with these offences.'
Last week's raids came after several months of surveillance and monitoring by police and MI5 officers.
At the time, the
country's top counter-terrorism officer, Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner John Yates, said it was 'absolutely vital' for the public to remain vigilant.
The operation was the most high-profile anti-terror raid in Britain since April 2009, when 12 men were detained across northern England.
All were released without charge but authorities still insisted they had thwarted an Al Qaeda bomb plot based in Manchester.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Brutal Road Rage Gang Sentenced...
A 30-year-old man was subjected to a brutal attack after almost being run over by a car as he left a popular Indian restaurant in Whitechapel, east London.
When the pedestrian swore at the driver in anger, he was confronted by three thugs who got out of the convertible BMW and another car following behind.
A man attacked by a crowbar tried to escape into Tayyabs restaurant in London but found the door had been locked by terrified staff
Rashel Hussain, 20, and his friends, twin brothers Jubhare and Taharak Hussain, both aged 21, battered the victim with a crowbar, causing serious injury to his left hand.
Terrified, the man ran back to Tayyabs restaurant - regarded as one of the best Indian restaurants in London - only to find himself trapped in the doorway as the doors had been locked by frightened staff.
Taharak knifed the man a number of times before running off with the others to get more weapons.
As the victim attempted to get help, stumbling towards the Royal London Hospital nearby, his attackers returned with a larger group of men who leapt on him.
Rashel Hussain battered him with a hammer, while another man, Shah Alom, 22, slashed him with a glass bottle and two others, Jubhare Hussain and Shofiqul Islam, 21, rained down punches on the defenceless man leaving him with serious neck, arm and thigh injuries.
The extraordinary onslaught of violence was caught on CCTV, which showed the bloodied victim desperately attempting to escape.
Horrified members of the public who witnessed the attack around 9pm on Sunday, May 30 this year called 999 for help.
Two police officers rushed to the scene and wrestled with the attackers, pulling them off the victim and saving his life.
Rashel Hussain was arrested at the scene while the others fled. But detectives later rounded up the other members of the gang.
they were sentenced to a total of almost 20 years at Snaresbrook Crown Court.
Rashel Hussain, 20, was jailed for six years after pleading guilty to grievous bodily harm and violent disorder.
Taharak Hussain, 21, got seven years for grievous bodily harm.
His non-identical twin Jubhare, 21, received a two year sentence for violent disorder.
Two other gang members, Shofiqul Islam, 21, got a two year sentence and Shah Alom, 22, was sentenced to 27 months for violent disorder.
The attack left the victim with horrific scars from deep wounds to his neck, arm and upper thigh.
He is currently undergoing therapy after losing 60 per cent use of his left hand.
Speaking after the sentencing, Detective Constable Darcia Babb said: ‘This was an outrageous and prolonged attack on a defenceless victim by a gang of thugs.
‘Extreme violence of this nature is rare but when it does happen we will make sure those responsible are brought to justice.
‘The intervention of the two police officers, who were outnumbered and displayed great bravery, probably saved the man’s life.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Muslim group launches poster campaign against festive period
Organisers plan to put up thousands of placards around the UK claiming the season of goodwill is responsible for rape, teenage pregnancies, abortion, promiscuity, crime and paedophilia.
They hope the campaign will help 'destroy Christmas' in this country and lead to Britons converting to Islam instead.
Labour MP and anti racist campaigner Jim Fitzpatrick branded the posters 'extremely offensive' and demanded they were immediately ripped down.
The placards, which have already appeared in parts of London, feature an apparently festive scene with an image of the Star of Bethlehem over a Christmas tree.
But under a banner announcing 'the evils of Christmas' it features a message mocking the song the 12 Days of Christmas.
The latest WikiLeaks revelation: 1 in 3 British Muslim students back killing for Islam and 40% want Sharia law
It reads: 'On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me an STD (sexually transmitted disease).
'On the second day debt, on the third rape, the fourth teenage pregnancies and then there was abortion.'
According to the posters, Christmas is also to responsible for paganism, domestic violence, homelessness, vandalism, alcohol and drugs.
Another offence of Christmas, it proclaims, is 'claiming God has a son'.
The bottom of the poster declares: 'In Islam we are protected from all of these evils. We have marriage, family, honour, dignity, security, rights for man, woman and child.'
The campaign's organiser is 27-year-old Abu Rumaysah, who once called for Sharia Law in Britain at a press conference held by hate preacher leader Anjem Choudary, the leader of militant group Islam4UK.
Former Home Secretary Alan Johnson banned Islam4UK group earlier this year, making it a criminal offence to be a member, after it threatened to protest at Wootton Bassett, the town where Britain honours its war dead.
Mr Rumaysah told the Mail that he was unconcerned about offending Christians.
He said: 'Christmas is a lie and as Muslims it is our duty to attack it.
'But our main attack is on the fruits of Christmas, things like alcohol abuse and promiscuity that increase during Christmas and all the other evils these lead to such as abortion, domestic violence and crime.
'We hope that out campaign will make people realise that Islam is the only way to avoid this and convert.'
Mr Rumaysah, who said his campaign was not linked to any group, boasted that the posters would be put up in cities around the country, including London, Birmingham and Cardiff.
The campaign was highlighted by volunteers from a charity which distributes food and presents to pensioners and the lonely at Christmas.
Sister Christine Frost, founder of the East London Neighbours in Poplar charity, said: 'The more posters I saw, the more angry I got.
'Someone is stirring hatred which leaves the road open to revenge attacks or petrol bombs through letter-boxes.
'I told the Mayor we are all scared.
'If we said such things about Muslims, we'd all be hanging from lamp-posts.
'The posters appear to be professionally printed'.
Poplar and Limehouse MP Mr Fitzpatrick said: 'These posters are extremely offensive and have upset a lot of people - that's why we jumped on it and asked the council to remove them.
'Sister Christine is rooted in the community and doesn't take offence lightly.
'But these hate posters really upset her. Christmas is close to her belief.'
A Met Police spokesman said they had received complaints and were investigating.
Tower Hamlets mayor Lutfur Rahman said the posters had 'upset and antagonised many residents'.
He added: 'The messages on these posters are offensive and do not reflect the views of the Council or the vast majority of residents.'
Abu Hamza's daughter-in-law arrested 'trying to smuggle sim card into Prison under her burka'
Chayme Hamza, 26, was apprehended by guards during a routine search when she went to visit the firebrand cleric in Belmarsh high security prison in south-east London last Friday.
Police were called and she was arrested on suspicion of bringing a prohibited article into a prison.
The sim card was found in a pocket in clothing under her burka, according to The Sun.
Hamza's eldest son Mohamed Kamel Mostafa - Chayme's husband and a convicted terrorist - was arrested over the same incident the next day.
The pair have been bailed until February pending further inquiries, Scotland Yard said.
The arrests have raised fears that Hamza has had access to a mobile phone while he awaits extradition to the U.S on terror charges.
The 52-year-old was jailed for seven years in February 2006 for inciting murder and race hate. He is challenging attempts to extradite him.
That case was delayed in July by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, which called for further submissions over the length of his sentence and the conditions he would experience if extradited to ADX Florence, a so-called "supermax' prison in Fremont County, Colorado.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said police were called over the woman visitor to Belmarsh at about 3.45pm last Friday.
He said: 'Officers attended and a 26-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of bringing a prohibited article into a prison, contrary to the Prison Act 1952.
'On December 18, a 29-year-old man voluntarily attended a south London police station and was arrested on suspicion of bringing a prohibited article into a prison, contrary to the Prison Act 1952.'
A Prison Service spokesman said: 'During a routine search on Friday, a visitor entering HMP Belmarsh was found to be in possession of a prohibited article. Prison officers confiscated the item and contacted the police.'
Mostafa served three years in jail for spearheading a bombing campaign in the Yemen in 1999.
He was one of three of Hamza's sons jailed in May 2009 for their part in a £1million luxury car scam.
They were in a seven-strong gang that targeted BMWs, Range Rovers and Mercedes left in car parks in London while their owners were away for long periods.
Mostafa admitted fraud and received a two-year prison sentence.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
About Circumcision
Circumcision is a Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim. The Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa Salam said, which means: "Khalilur Rahman Ibrahim berkhitan after the age of 80 years and he berkhitan with an ax." (HR: Al-Bukhari)
Berkhitan allowed after baligh. Ibn Abbas was asked, which means: "Who are you when Rasululloh age sallallaahu alaihi wa Salam died?" Ibnu Abas said: "I was at that time was already circumcised, and the people (those days) did not circumcise male until he baligh." (HR: Al-Bukhari)
Among the functions for male circumcision is to remove the dirt and unclean nest. Whereas for women are (among others) to stabilize syahwatnya stimulation. If circumcised too deep could make him have no desire at all, on the contrary, if the skin is a prominent upward vaginannya (clitoris) is cut can be dangerous, because if rubbed or touched something he quickly aroused. So Rasululloh sallallaahu alaihi wa Salam said to the carpenters circumcision woman (Umm A'Thiyyah), which means: "Do you cut out, because (do not cut out) was more beneficial for women and more unpopular husband." (Reported by: Abu Dawud)
Regarding circumcision for women is indeed not known by most of our society, but hopefully through this information, we begin to practice it and for the Muslim with the medical profession began to study or learn it so help Muslims in performing female circumcision, so do not let Muslim women who circumcise a baligh are the men.
A concern when not in circumcision for women is going to be one of the driving causes him to become a lesbian. Thus Islam ordered that stabilize syahwatnya by circumcision.
(Source Reference: Shohih Al-Bukhari, Sunan Abu Dawud; Ahkamun Nisa '),
Islamic jihadists planned to target British landmarks, crowded shopping areas
BBC radio presenter exposed as £18,000 benefits cheat avoids jail
BBC Asian Network presenter Lubna Qazi, aka DJ Kanwal, wrongly claimed Carer’s Allowance for her sick husband without declaring her job at the corporation.
The 53-year-old presenter, from Kings Heath, Birmingham, told Department for Work and Pensions bosses in 2003 she was caring for her husband, who spent 35 hours a week in bed after suffering a stroke.
But she falsely claimed state handouts for seven years by working just nine hours a week for the BBC, earning £24.47 per hour.
In total she swindled £18,014 in benefits by not declaring her job as presenter of two weekend Bollywood music shows on the BBC’s Asian Network radio station.
The presenter earned nearly £25 per hour working for the corporation for nine hours at weekends, exceeding the upper limit of £95 a week for the allowance.
Birmingham Crown Court heard today Qazi was overpaid £18,014 between March 2003 and January 2010 as a result of the fiddle.
But Recorder Collingwood Thompson QC described it as an ‘exceptional’ case and sentenced her to a 12-month conditional discharge.
He said: 'I have to sentence you on the basis you knew you were not entitled to the benefits.
'But this is an exceptional case.
'The unusual circumstances of this case concern your personal circumstances and the care of your husband.
'It is clear he suffered a massive stroke in 2002 which left him about 75 per cent brain damaged, paralysed and unable to speak, and you have nursed him with devotion since 2002.
'It seems to me that but for your care and attention your husband would be in care along time ago.
'For these reasons I am going to take exceptional course and am going to conditionally discharge you for 12 months.'
The court was told Qazi told the Department of Work and Pensions her last employment was with Tesco, and she was required to notify the DWP of any change in circumstance.
But she failed to do so because she thought her entitlement would not be affected because she worked under 16 hours a week.
At the BBC she worked for the Asian Network on a Bollywood music show called Retro Selection.
Her programme offered ‘timeless classics from the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s’, while Qazi herself was described as a ‘tireless worker who gave up everything to become a DJ’.
Simon Drew, defending, described Qazi’s personal circumstances as ‘tragic’.
A letter read to the court by Recorder Thompson, written by a friend of Qazi, told how she slept on the floor of her husband’s room so she ‘could tend to his every need’.
Mr Drew said: 'Her husband was taken very seriously ill a number of years ago.
'She is his sole carer and the care she has provided him with is very substantial indeed.
'She is someone who could not be providing a greater community service than she already is in the way that she cares for her husband.'
Qazi has since resigned from her job at the BBC.
The corporation initially said it did not want to accept her resignation, but following her guilty plea at Birmingham Magistrates Court last month, the BBC said it felt it had no choice but to accept it.
Mr Drew added: 'So far as working for the BBC Asian Network, that has in fact for her been a lifesaver, because it is an opportunity for her to get out of the house away from what is otherwise an extremely intense environment.
'She has had to give up the one interest that kept her going and the punishment is significant already.
'She will now dedicate the rest of her life to caring for her husband.
'Ironically she is now claiming Carer’s Allowance because she does not have any income.'
Emma Boon, spokesperson for the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said Qazi’s case highlights the need for reform of the benefits system.
She said: 'Qazi wrongly claimed taxpayers’ money and she should pay back every penny.
'But this case also highlights the need for our benefits system to be reformed. Those who choose to work, rather than live off handouts should not be punished by losing all of their benefits too quickly.
'The system for benefits also needs to be simpler, so that those who claim benefits whilst working are not confused about what they are entitled to.'
Qazi was also ordered to pay back the money she had falsely claimed.
Qazi has paid back £600, leaving £17,414 outstanding.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Man Stabbed over Snowballs...
The 19-year-old, who has not been named by police, was waiting for a bus at the junction of Upperthorpe Road and Addy Street in Upperthorpe, Sheffield, when he was attacked.
Police said the victim had challenged a group of youths for throwing snowballs "aggressively" at people in the street and at passing cars.
The 15-strong gang turned on him and he was kicked, punched and stabbed with the bottle.
His 19-year-old friend was also attacked, and suffered a cut on his forehead and bruising to his face.
Chf Insp Andy Male, of South Yorkshire Police, said: "We appreciate that people will throw snowballs when there is a fall of snow, but I would like them to think about the effect of their actions on others."
The fact this group decided to attack a member of the public for challenging their behaviour is shocking, and we are investigating it fully.
"We have officers from CID and the local Safer Neighbourhood team working on this."Police are appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to come forward.Residents and local businesspeople today condemned the attack, which happened near the Al Sultan Continental Food Store.
John Sheldon, aged 78, said: "I would never expect anything like this to happen to somebody just for asking people to stop throwing snowballs - it is shocking.
"You see groups hanging around here all the time and it unnerves you because you never know what they are going to do next.
"Most of them don't even live here, they just meet up here and we get the problems.
Claudia Thompson, 42, agreed: "It is disgusting."Throwing snowballs can be a dangerous thing to do especially if they are targeted at cars, so it sounds like the injured man was doing the right thing by trying to get them to stop."
The problem with a lot of kids these days is that they have no respect - their parents need to take more responsibility for what they are doing."
Businesswoman Pat Sharp, who runs the Upperthorpe Cafe, said: "It is dreadful.I have heard that all he was doing was saying 'stop it' to a group who were throwing snowballs at cars, windows and people."
They were causing a nuisance, and he was only doing his bit and trying to get them to stop - he didn't deserve what happened to him."
Local people are really shocked at what happened."The police had a community bobby on the streets after the attack to try to find those who did it and to stop people throwing snowballs."
The 15-strong gang of thugs was made up of Asian and mixed race teenagers and men.
Witnesses to the incident, between 8pm and 8.15pm on Thursday December 2, or anyone with information about who was responsible, should call South Yorkshire Police on 0114 220 2020 and quote incident number 991 of December 2.
32% of Young British Muslims Support Killing for Islam...
If the way young Muslims in Britain are feeling is any indication for America’s own Muslim community, then America better beware.
According to a new survey done at 30 universities in Britain, the young Muslim student body in that country is extremely radicalized.
The poll asked 600 Muslim students and 800 of their non-Muslim peers about politically touchy subjects like killing in the name of Islam and Sharia Law—and the results were like night and day between the two demographics.
While hardly anyone in the non-Muslim sample accepted killing in the name of religion, basically one-third of all Muslim students in Britain supported this.
This frightening confirmation of the deadly and violent extremism in the young Muslims of Britain is also an indication of the utter failure of British society to both integrate as well as to better police their Muslim communities.
The word "Londonistan" is often disparagingly used to symbolize the permissible Islamic extremism that goes down in Britain—with the once-proud but now impotent Brits basically turning a blind eye.
In fact, because of this widespread radicalization problem in British universities among Muslims, said universities are actually becoming a training ground for terrorists like the Christmas bomber from last year.
In an ironic twist, this survey and its shocking poll results were made available only through the Wikileaks leaking of Julian Assange.
The poll was revealed as part of a secret, diplomatic cable that emerged from the US Embassy in London.
Other results in the pro-Islamist survey results are also troublesome.
For instance, more than half of all British Muslim students insist on being represented by a political party that is Islam-based.
The clear-cut, overwhelming theme in this poll data from this leaked cable relates to the fact that many Muslims even in so-called civilized countries like Britain still want to relapse to the Middle Ages (or earlier, even) by making Islam central in all aspects of their true-believing lives.
The outreach plan for British Muslims was published a month after a cable that revealed that while the community had grown to more than 2 million, unemployment rates were higher among Muslim men and women than in any other religion.
Muslims were also found to have the highest disability rates - with 24 per cent of men and 21 per cent of women claiming a disability - while the cable also cited statistics claiming Muslims were also the most likely group to be unavailable for work or not actively seeking employment due to illness, their studies or family commitments.
It was revealed last week that a U.S. cable from 2006 had suggested the British Government had made 'little progress' in engaging Muslims and combating homegrown extremism.
And the latest cable revelations of U.S. ambassadorial plan to empower Muslim communities to 'mobilize against extremism' and 'build community resilience' confirms the White House's lack of faith in the British Government's ability to engage with the UK's Islamic population.
If this doesn’t either stun you or make you react with a shudder at the reality of this massive and widespread, Islamic radicalism, then this statistic will.Muslims in Britain are the biggest non-Christian demographic in that country, and their growth rate (having a lot of babies, yes, they are) is staggering.
Additionally, they are also profiled to be largely destitute, unskilled and uneducated—a perfect recipe for radicalism and hate of the West.
After more confirmation of the massive dilemma (putting it lightly) with Islam and Muslims in the world, I fail to see where all this propaganda of "the religion of peace" fits in!
This survey data just shows what other troublesome (again, putting it lightly) results confirm about Islam.
It is not a religion of peace; it is not only a few rotten apples, so to speak, among Muslims; and it is a clear and present danger that is not going away anytime soon.
Harry Potter actress was "beaten and branded a prostitute

Victim Afshan Azad, 22, played Padma Patil, a classmate of the teenage wizard, in the blockbuster Hollywood films based on the children's books by JK Rowling.
She was assaulted and branded a 'prostitute' after meeting a young Hindu man, a relationship which brought anger from her father, Abul Azad, 53, and brother, Ashraf, 28, Manchester Crown Court heard.
The frightened star, who has featured in four of the popular films, later fled through her bedroom window after threats were made to kill her.
But despite attempts to get her to come to court for the trial of her father and brother, Miss Azad, who is believed to be living with friends in London, would not attend voluntarily, the court was told.
Both men were charged with making threats to kill her and her brother was also charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm on his sister.
Instead of both going on trial today, the prosecution decided to accept a guilty plea of assault by her brother, and both men were formally found not guilty of making threats to kill.
Miss Azad's character was a witch who was in the same year as Harry Potter, played by Daniel Radcliffe, at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry.
She first appeared as her character, the identical twin sister of Parvati Patil, in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire.
She also starred in Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, the final film in the saga.
Richard Vardon QC, prosecuting, told the court: 'The incident took place on Saturday 21st of May at the home address of the family in Longsight, Manchester.
'The prosecution allegation in essence is she was the victim of a wholly unnecessary and unpleasant assault by her brother.
'The reason for the assault, apparently her association with a Hindu young man, that apparently being disapproved of by her family who are Muslim.
'Specifically she spoke not only of assault but also threats to kill, made jointly by her father and brother.'
The prosecutor then gave details of the incident.
'The father, having been awoken from his slumbers, with his son shouting: "Sort out your daughter! She's a slag!"
'He continued to further assault her, in disputed Bengali, shouting, "Just kill her!"...
There is more.
Muslims in Stockholm jihad bomber's town get £500,000 to combat terror
The grants were handed out to mosques, schools and women's projects by Luton council to prevent young Muslims being radicalised.
Under the Home Office's Preventing Violent Extremism scheme, Islamic organisations are given money to stop members turning to violence.
The groups are urged to reveal the names of those likely to commit violent crimes so they can be put on an 'at-risk' list by police.
But the Daily Mail has learnt that - despite £554,000 being given to groups in Luton since 2008
- not a single name has been handed over....
It comes as the PVE scheme has been put under review by the Government for being ineffective after it was revealed a huge amount of the money simply went to sports and arts groups.
The Luton Islamic Centre, where Taimour Abdulwahab Al-Abdaly preached before being banned, refused to sign up as leaders did not want to inform on their ‘Muslim brothers and sisters’.
Iraq-born Al-Abdaly studied in Luton for several years and became obsessed with extremism while in the UK.
He blew up his car then himself in Stockholm last Saturday, the day before his 29th birthday. Swedish authorities said he ‘missed causing a catastrophe by minutes’.
Islamic Centre chairman Qadeer Baksh said: ‘The reason we didn’t take the Government money for the Preventing Violent Extremism scheme is that it requires us to inform on fellow Muslims.
‘If we had taken the money our members would have seen us as working for the Government.
The young men with radical views would not have listened to us.
‘I have never called the police or authorities on anyone.’
The PVE scheme was set up by then Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly in 2007, with most of the recipients of its £86million fund being from traditional Labour areas such as Birmingham, East London and West Yorkshire.
It was revealed last year that £129,000 had been awarded to a theatre company, £79,000 for sports coaching, £20,000 for fashion courses and to art workshops in areas with large Muslim communities.
The Luton Islamic Centre in the Bury Park area of the town where police were searching a property as part of a probe into the suicide car bombing in Sweden
Matthew Sinclair, director of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said the Government should focus on tackling terrorism directly rather than wasting money on community groups.
He added: ‘It’s shocking that the PVE grants given out in Luton seem to have achieved such poor results.’
Security minister Baroness Neville-Jones said that under the review the scheme should focus money on people who are at risk of extremism, such as Al-Abdaly, rather than sports groups.
A Luton Borough Council spokesman said: ‘The funding has been allocated against areas of work for women’s inclusion, working with local schools, project work with further and higher education and projects to work with vulnerable individuals.
‘All organisations funded are based in Luton and have a history of either community or youth development work.
‘Information acquired that relates to issues such as child protection, or a clear and present danger to community safety or national security, will supersede any confidentiality requirement.
‘No such issue has been identified.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
UK's Charity Commission finds links of Islamic charities to jihad terror groups "unsubstantiated" -- by ignoring mountains of evidence
In March this newspaper reported on allegations that the charity Muslim Aid, a close associate of the fundamentalist Islamic Forum of Europe, had channelled funds to eight organisations linked to the terrorist groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Muslim Aid has admitted funding two of the organisations and has repeatedly refused to deny funding the other six.
Now, however, the Commission has published what it is pleased to call a "regulatory case review" into the charity saying that allegations of terrorist links are "unsubstantiated."
It has only been able to reach this verdict by completely ignoring the vast majority of the allegations made against Muslim Aid, and by redefining the single allegation it did choose to "investigate" in a way which allowed it to exonerate the charity.
By its own admission, it did not even investigate seven out of the eight allegations which it now claims are "unsubstantiated."
The allegations made against Muslim Aid were as follows:
(1) that it had since July 2009 channelled money to six organisations linked to Hamas:
(a) the Islamic Society of Nuseirat;
(b) the Islamic Society of Khan Younis;
(c) the Islamic Centre of Gaza;
(d) the Islamic al-Salah, Gaza;
(e) the National Association of Moderation and Development;
(f) the Khan Younis Zakat Committee.
The allegations were made by security sources, who provided us with documentary evidence of the dates and amounts.
(2) that it in the year 2005 paid money to another Hamas-linked organisation, the Islamic University of Gaza.
(3) that it had paid money to the al-Ihsan Charitable Society, linked to Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
(4) that it had extensively funded the Muslim Council of Britain, a UK-based political lobbying group.
This is contrary to Muslim Aid's declared charitable objects, which are "to relieve the poor, the elderly, children and all those who are in need in any part of the world as a result of natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, droughts, famines, epidemics, poverty and plagues, to relieve those who are refugees fleeing from war zones and war victims."
Repeatedly asked by us before publication, over a period of more than a week, Muslim Aid refused to deny the security source allegations that they channelled funds to any of groups 1 (a) to 1 (f). Nor, to the best of my knowledge, has Muslim Aid subsequently denied these allegations.
It has admitted both to us and the Charity Commission - see paragraph 14 of the Commission's report - that it did fund al-Ihsan. It has admitted, and its own accounts state, that it funded the Islamic University of Gaza and the MCB.
In its report today, the Charity Commission states that it decided only to investigate Muslim Aid's links with one of the groups, al-Ihsan. The report states that the Commission was "not provided with sufficient evidence to support the allegation that [the] other named organisations [1 (a) to (f) and 2 above] funded by the Charity had the alleged links [to terrorism]."
Consquently, it "did not carry out further investigations into payments to them. Given the seriousness of the allegations made, the Commission required material evidence in support of those claims in order for it to consider taking regulatory action."...
There is much, much more. Read it all.
'Mother cuts out the heart of her daughter,
Muslim mother Shayna Bharuchi, 35, was allegedly sitting in a her kitchen chanting verses of the Koran as her daughter Nusayba's disembowelled corpse lay next to her.
The little girl's heart and other organs were found in different rooms around the flat in Clapton, east London.
Shayna Bharuchi, 35, was allegedly sitting in a her kitchen chanting verses of the Koran as her daughter Nusayba's disembowelled corpse lay next to her.
Police suspect she she carried out the killing as a religious offering as she listened to the Muslim holy book on an MP3 player at full volume.
Bharuchi, who is understood to have two teenage children of 14 and 16, has since been sectioned under the Mental Health Act and is in a secure unit.
The gruesome scene was discovered by Nusayba's father Jerome Negney, 36, when he arrived home to the flat on Thursday to find his partner clutching a kitchen knife.
Mr Negney, believed to be a Muslim convert, dialled 999 and paramedics pronounced the girl dead at the scene. Police said next of kin have been informed.
One neighbour, who lives in the downstairs flat and asked not to be named, said: 'I was feeding my daughter her lunch at about 3pm and suddenly heard horrific screaming. It is shocking and so upsetting.'
He said the couple have lived in the flat for about a year.
A post-mortem examination will take place on Saturday at Poplar mortuary in east London.
The Metropolitan Police's Child Abuse Investigation Command is leading the murder inquiry.
They are not believed to be looking for anybody else.
another shocked resident, a mum in her 30s, said Mrs Bharuchi always wore a black headscarf with a veil.
She added: 'Usually you could only see her eyes.'I often heard shouting coming from the flat as she and a man argued.
'Their quarrels would become very heated.'
The tragic incident comes after a man was charged with attempted murder following the stabbing of two police officers in Ealing, west London, yesterday.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Asylum seeker who left girl, 12, to die after hit-and-run can stay in UK... thanks to the Human Rights Act
Last night Amy’s father Paul branded the Act an ‘abomination to civilised society’.
He said: ‘This decision shows the Human Rights Act to be nothing more than a charter for thieves, killers, terrorists and illegal immigrants.’
The ruling heaped pressure on Mr Cameron to reinstate a Tory pre-election pledge to abolish the HRA and replace it with a British Bill of Rights. He stated that pledge unequivocally in a letter to Mr Houston, written in January when he was still Leader of the Opposition, and shortly after the death of his son Ivan.
It began: ‘As someone who sadly has been recently bereaved, I do have a little idea of what you must have been through.’
Last night Mr Houston, a 41-year-old engineer, made a direct plea to Mr Cameron to think again.
He said: ‘He needs to take a long, hard look at himself and make the right decision for this country because as it stands the Human Rights Act is on the side of criminals, terrorists and thieves against law-abiding citizens.
‘He wrote to me to say he would bring in the British Bill of Rights but that appears to have been put in the back burner because of the Coalition.
‘I don’t want to see this matter sidelined. I think it needs to be placed very firmly on the agenda again. If he has got the courage of his convictions that is what he will do.
‘The law does need to be changed so that it properly represents everyone – not just this awful minority who ruin people’s lives.’
Mr Houston, of Darwen, Lancashire, said he was ‘absolutely devastated’ by the decision to allow Ibrahim to stay in the country indefinitely.
‘How can he say he’s deprived of his right to a family life? The only person deprived of a family life is me. Amy was my family.’
Amy was Mr Houston’s only child and for medical reasons he is unable to have any more children.
The case fuelled deep concern on the Tory backbenches. One MP branded the Act the ‘Criminals’ Rights Act’ and repeated calls for it to be scrapped.
No minister was prepared to comment directly about the case, but Downing Street issued a statement ‘sharing Mr Houston’s anger’. The UK Border Agency said it was ‘extremely disappointed’ with the decision.
Ibrahim, now 33, arrived in Britain hidden in the back of a lorry in January 2001. His application for asylum was refused and a subsequent appeal in November 2002 failed, but he was never sent home.
In 2003, while serving a nine-month driving ban for not having insurance or a licence, he ploughed into Amy near her mother’s home in Blackburn.
He ran away, leaving her conscious and trapped beneath the wheels of his black Rover.Six hours later her father had to take the heartbreaking decision to turn off her life-support system.
but despite leaving Amy to die, Ibrahim was jailed for just four months after admitting driving while disqualified and failing to stop after an accident.
Since his release from prison he has accrued a string of further convictions, including more driving offences, harassment and cautions for burglary and theft.
He also met a British woman, Christina Richardson, and fathered two children with her, Harry, four, and Zara, three.
They claim they had an Islamic wedding in Birmingham, but there is no documentary proof.
Border Agency officials finally began attempts to remove him from the country in October 2008.
Matthew Barnes for the UK Border Agency said the judge who allowed Ibrahim leave to remain on the basis of his right to a family life did so incorrectly.
He said that although he had two children there was no evidence to suggest he was living at the same address and claimed a different address was given for him on one of the children’s birth certificates.
Ibrahim’s lawyers argued sending him back to Iraq would breach Article 8 of the Human Rights Act, which guarantees his right to a private and family life with his children.
When the case first came before an immigration judge in June last year, Home Office lawyers said Ibrahim should be removed because of his persistent criminality.Ibrahim told the court he had became a father figure to Miss Richardson’s two children from a previous relationship and was even helping them with their homework.
This account was dismissed as ‘clearly not credible’ after Ibrahim admitted he could barely speak English.The judge accepted that Ibrahim’s behaviour was ‘abhorrent’ and branded his evidence ‘contradictory and unsatisfactory’. However he ruled that he had developed a ‘significant and substantial’ relationship with the children and was acting as their father.
Only child: Amy's death deprived Mr Houston of family life as he is unable to have further children
But yesterday the Upper Immigration Tribunal threw out the appeal, saying the judge had considered the case in a ‘legally correct’ way.
In a letter to the tribunal, Mr Houston made an impassioned plea for Ibrahim to be sent back to Iraq, saying his right to a family life with Amy should outweigh the rights of Ibrahim.He wrote: ‘On the evening of November 23 2003, Mr Ibrahim struck Amy. He didn’t kill her outright, she was still conscious.
‘She was fully aware of what was happening around her even though she had the full weight of the engine block of the car on top of her, she was crying because she was frightened and in a lot of pain... he could have at least tried to help.‘Amy suffered for six hours before the doctors advised me to switch off the life support machine . . . it was highly unlikely she would survive and if she was to live would be a “cabbage”.
‘The image of Amy taking her final breath, dying a foot away from me as I sat by her bedside holding her hand praying for a miracle, will stay with me till the day I die.’Last night Mr Houston said: ‘No wonder asylum seekers are queuing up at the borders to get in when they see decisions like this.
‘They realise that whatever they do, be it burglar, rape or murder, they can use the laws to ensure they are able to stay in Britain. ‘The immigration judges have ruled he had a right to a family life.
What about my right to a family life with my daughter?‘That was taken away in the most horrendously cruel fashion by a serial criminal who has never contributed to our society.’
He pledged to continue his seven-year fight for justice and is seeking legal advice over the possibility of a judicial review.Ministers are considering whether to take the case to the Court of Appeal.
Backbench Tory MPs said the case showed how the Human Rights Act was preventing ministers from controlling Britain’s borders.MP Douglas Carswell said: ‘If we take the tribunal’s findings to their logical conclusion we would leave an open door to the world.’
This is the latest in a string of cases to provoke outrage over the Act.Last month Learco Chindamo, who stabbed headmaster Philip Lawrence to death, was returned to jail over an alleged robbery.
In opposition, the Prime Minister cited the failure to deport Chindamo as a prime reason why the law should be scrapped.The Tories campaigned on a promise to bring in a British Bill of Rights to replace Labour’s Human Rights Act, but within weeks of the General Election result, the pledge was downgraded and replaced by a commitment to a review, effectively kicking the policy into the long grass.
A Downing Street spokesman said: ‘We fully understand Mr Houston’s distress and frustration at what has happened, and we share his anger.“The Government is committed to establishing a Commission during 2011 to investigate the creation of a UK Bill of Rights that protects and extends British liberties.’ Mr Cameron and a betrayal of British justice
Yesterday was a sickening day for justice in this country.
Instead, judges ruled this serial Iraqi criminal, who sneaked into Britain in the back of a lorry nine years ago, should be allowed to remain here permanently.
Disgracefully, the immigration tribunal decided that — under Labour’s insidious Human Rights Act — Ibrahim has a right to a ‘family life’ in order to care for his British wife and two children, fathered after he killed Amy. To hell with the family — and young life — he so casually destroyed.In response to this terrible injustice, Amy’s father, Paul, tells the Mail:
‘This decision shows the Human Rights Act to be nothing more than a charter for thieves, killers, terrorists and illegal immigrants. The rights of the criminal have been favoured over the rights of the victim and that is an abomination to civilised society.’Who is the victim? : Ibrahim ran away as Amy was left trapped beneath his car yet sickeningly immigration officials have decided he can stay because of his right to a 'family life'
And what a criminal Ibrahim has been. Consider: after taking Amy’s life in 2003, he received a derisory four-month jail term for driving while disqualified, and fleeing the scene.
Upon release, the shambolic Home Office then took no action to deport him — allowing him to have the children which, under the Human Rights Act, would later form the basis of his claim to a ‘family life’ in the UK.
Human rights laws cost Britain £42bn in rulings and payouts
Meanwhile, showing not a shred of remorse for his actions, Ibrahim was returning to a life of crime. Burglary ... theft ... harassment ... damage to property ... possession of drugs.
Shockingly, in 2006, he even repeated the same offence for which he was convicted in the wake of Amy’s death: driving while disqualified and uninsured.
One of the judges, confronted with Ibrahim’s criminality, conceded that his behaviour was ‘abhorrent’ — then ruled he could stay anyway.
One man, however, who did take a stand against this mockery of justice is the current PM, David Cameron.While leader of the Opposition, Mr Cameron — in January of this year — wrote to Amy’s father committing his party to scrapping the Human Rights Act.
The intention, said Mr Cameron, was to stop the likes of Ibrahim from using their right to a family life to ‘play the legal system for years and years’. Mr Cameron’s pledge was hugely popular with his party and voters exasperated by the way the Act was being abused.No remorse: One judge described Ibrahim as 'abhorent' yet allowed him to stay to continue his life of burglary, theft, harrassment and drugs possession
Witness how Abu Hamza and Abu Qatada, two of the world’s worst terrorists, used the Act to thwart the authorities’ every attempt to throw them out of Britain.
Or how a group of nine Afghans who hijacked a Boeing in 2000 and flew it to Stansted were allowed to stay here.According to government figures, 350 foreign criminals are escaping deportation under human rights law every year.
Beneficiaries include illegal immigrant Ahsan Sabri, who killed writer Sophie Warne after speeding through a red light, Somalian Mohammed Kendeh, convicted of raping two British women, and — most notoriously — Learco Chindamo, who killed headteacher Phillip Lawrence, and who escaped deportation back to Italy on the grounds he had moved to the UK as a child.Again, the rights of Mr Lawrence’s family to receive justice were subservient to the right of Chindamo to his ‘family life’.
In response to the case of Chindamo, who is now back behind bars for allegedly breaching the terms of his licence, Mr Cameron again took a firm position, saying: ‘It is a glaring example of what is going wrong in our country.’And, on the case for abolishing the Human Rights Act, he was unequivocal.
Speaking while still leader of the Opposition, he said: ‘The problem for this [Labour] Government is that the Human Rights Act is their legislation and they appear to be blind to its failings.‘We ought to abolish the Human Rights Act and replace it with a British Bill of Rights that we can write ourselves that sets out clearly our rights and responsibilities.’
Since these words were spoken, no doubt in all sincerity, nothing has changed, apart from the fact that Mr Cameron appears to have now lost the political will to do something about this scandal.Within a fortnight of the General Election, he announced that the Act would merely be subject to a long-term policy review, kicking it into the long grass for the duration of the current Parliament.
The Prime Minister will doubtless point out that he was forced to change his position to form a working government with the Liberals.The Mail accepts some compromises were a necessary price for forming a stable Coalition, capable of tackling the terrifying budget deficit left behind by Labour.
But, in the case of the Human Rights Act, Mr Cameron could — and should — have stood his ground.However noble the original intentions of this legislation may have been, it has had a corrosive effect on British life.
If British people see foreign criminals almost literally getting away with murder, why should they respect the law themselves?
Mr Cameron said Iraq should not be seen as a country to which it was too dangerous to deport people.
"Britain has spent billions of pounds and lost many, many very good people - some killed, some wounded - to make Iraq a safer, more stable country," he said.
"We should not be in a position where, having done all these things, we are simply told it is not possible to return a person there."
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Muslim prisoners shouting "Allahu akbar" and "death to the kuffar" brutally beat prison guard
The gang chanted "death to the Kuffar" (non-believer) and "Allah Akbar" (God is Great) as they laid into the warder - who is in his 40s - after prayers.
It is believed they were trying to steal his keys to let other inmates out and start a riot at the notorious Feltham Young Offenders' Institute in Middlex.
A fellow officer came to his rescue as he hid under a pool table and used his baton to drive them back....
A source said: “It was a frightening and violent assault. The guard was lucky to escape with his life.”
British-born jihadists killed in strike on al-Qaeda in Pakistan
The men, one of whom was apparently called Steve, died five days ago when a Hellfire missile was fired from a remote controlled American drone in the town of Datta Khel.
If confirmed, they would be the first white British converts to have been killed in the area, The Telegraph reports.
They had entered the country last year and travelled to the town in North Waziristan in the lawless tribal belt bordering Afghanistan, to join al-Qaeda, the report on Channel Four News said.
In September another British militant called Abdul Jabber, who was of Asian descent, died in a drone attack in the same area.
Red Cross offices remove Christmas decorations to avoid offending Muslims
The charity's politically-correct move triggered an avalanche of criticism and mockery last night - from Christians and Moslems.
Christine Banks, a volunteer at a Red Cross shop in New Romney, Kent, said: 'We put up a nativity scene in the window and were told to take it out. It seems we can't have anything that means Christmas. We're allowed to have some tinsel but that's it.
'When we send cards they have to say season's greetings or best wishes. They must not be linked directly to Christmas.
'When we asked we were told it is because we must not upset Moslems.'
Mrs Banks added: ' We have been instructed that we can't say anything about Christmas and we certainly can't have a Christmas tree.
' I think the policy is offensive to Moslems as well as to us. No reasonable person can object to Christians celebrating Christmas. But we are not supposed to show any sign of Christianity at all.'
Labour peer Lord Ahmed, one of the country's most prominent Moslem politicians, said: 'It is stupid to think Moslems would be offended.
'The Moslem community has been talking to Christians for the past 1,400 years. The teachings from Islam are that you should respect other faiths.'['lolololol]
Within the boundaries of Islamic law, as far as enforcing it is feasible, and the last word -- the lasting blueprint for Islamic tolerance -- is Qur'an 9:29.
He added: 'In my business all my staff celebrate Christmas and I celebrate with them.
It is absolutely not the case that Christmas could damage the Red Cross reputation for neutrality - I think their people have gone a little bit over the top.'
The furore is a fresh blow to the image of what was once one of Britain's most respected charities.
The British Red Cross lost friends this year over its support for the French illegal immigrant camp at Sangatte and its insistence on concentrating large efforts on helping asylum seekers.
officials at the charity's London HQ confirmed that Christmas is barred from the 430 shops which contributed more than £20million to its income last year.
'The Red Cross is a neutral organisation and we don't want to be aligned with any political party or particular philosophy,' a spokesman said.
'We don't want to be seen as a Christian or Islamic or Jewish organisation because that might compromise our ability to work in conflict situations around the world.'
He added: 'In shops people can put up decorations like tinsel or snow which are seasonal. But the guidance is that things representative of Christmas cannot be shown.'
Volunteers, however, said they believed the Christmas ban was a product of political correctness of the kind that led Birmingham's leaders to order their city to celebrate 'Winterval'.
Another idea:
Rod Thomas, a Plymouth vicar and spokesman for the Reform evangelical grouping in the Church of England, said: 'People who hold seriously to their faith are respected by people of other faiths. They should start calling themselves the Red Splodge. All their efforts will only succeed in alienating most people.'
Major Charles Heyman, editor of Jane's World Armies, said: 'There is really nothing to hurt the Red Cross in Christmas, is there?
Would the Red Crescent stop its staff observing Ramadan?
The charity's umbrella body, the Swiss-based International Red Cross, has also had politically-correct doubts about its famous symbol. But efforts to find an alternative were abandoned in the face of protest and ridicule five years ago.
Iran calls British police 'violent and inhumane' in handling of student protests
Iran's Foreign Ministry has summoned the British ambassador to Tehran to protest against the supposed brutality.
According to the semi-official Fars news agency, 'The violent and inhumane handling by British police of peaceful student demonstrations and also the ambassador's interference in Iran's state matters were the reasons for his summoning by the ministry.'
British Ambassador Simon Gass accused Iranian authorities of depriving the nation of 'their fundamental freedoms' on the embassy's website on December 9.
Iran has come under increasing pressure in recent weeks over its detention of a woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery.
Its claim comes on the same day that a coalition of international celebrities including Robert De Niro, and Sting united to publish an open letter to Iran calling for the release of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani.
'Free Ashtiani': Celebrities sign open letter to Iran demanding release of woman sentenced to death by stoning
Ms Ashtiani, 43, was convicted in 2006 of having an 'illicit relationship' with two men following the murder of her husband in 2005 and was sentenced at that time to 99 lashes.
She has spent the subsequent five years in in prison and, according to the letter, has received the 99 lashes.
The document calls on Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to release her along with her son and lawyer, who are also imprisoned.
Her sentence of death by stoning was suspended earlier this year but she still faces possible execution by hanging for complicity in the murder of her husband.
The man who was convicted for the murder is now free.
The European Union has called her sentence 'barbaric', the Vatican pleaded for clemency and Brazil, which has tried to intervene in Iran's stand-off with the West over its nuclear programme, has offered Ms Ashtiani asylum.
However, there is a more direct comparison to be made between the handling of the student protests in London and police behaviour in Iran.
In June 2009 there were open protests in the streets of Tehran following the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in an election opposition politicians said was rigged.
Comparision: An Iranian anti-riot officer raises his baton to disperse protestors at an opposition rally at the Behesht-e-Zahra cemetery
Protestors who wore green ribbons to show their dissidence were eventually attacked by police and, though the number of deaths is debated, between 26 (the official state figure) and 69 people were killed.
Among them was 26-year-old female protester Neda Soltan, who was shot dead and became a symbol for the resistance.
Thousands more were arrested during widespread civil unrest after the vote, among them senior moderate politicians, activists, lawyers and journalists.
Pro-reform cleric Mehdi Karoubi, who came fourth in the vote, said later that imprisoned protesters were raped in jail and that some were killed under torture.
There was even a parliamentary committee investigation into a rumoured 'mass burial' at the Behesht-e Zahra cemetery on July 12 and 15 of protesters killed in the disturbances.