Friday, January 29, 2010

What Muslim women wear !

Many people think , that Muslim women who cover themselves do not care how they look like ,or they don't care about fashion and they don't know how to dress or how to look beautiful ..Most misconception is that Muslim women are forced to cover their bodies ,because men force them to do so ..
Well ,we all know that it is not truth .We all know that we look beautiful and care about our bodies ,about our personality ,our dignity and our respect ,that's why we cover .We conceal our bodies from the eyes of the strangers .We keep our beauty for our husbands .
As we know there is nothing wrong in dressing up and buying beautiful clothing ,but we should not go to extremes and be excessive .
So what do you wear at home or for women's only occasions?
I think many of us prefer Maxi dresses,but as for me I only wear them under my Jilbab or abaya
I wear cardigan on the top of mine ,or if its in the summer I wear abaya on the top of maxi dress and I take cardigan with me ,in case I go visit someone and have to take my abaya off...

You can find these cardigans

Pink palm print dress £40 Dorothy Perkins, Tribal maxi dress £55 Oasis, Yellow paisley dress £75 Warehouse, Red and black printed dress £45

I also prefer wearing pants and long tunics if going to someone's house for women's only gatherings.

Of course if its summer I wear tunics with shorter sleeves,or light blouses  under my abaya,

I also wear skirts most of the time with tunics or blouses ..
Here are some beautiful skirts on this web site
If I'm attending special occasion like a wedding and if its separated ,means no men around ,women only .
I wear some fancy salwar kameez ,jewelry and etc..
I know a lot of Muslim women who  love to dress up and its ok to wear something very beautiful on this occasions ..

I love wearing jewelry ,especially big ,huge earrings and bracelets 

It also depends on the background of a person.
Muslims from different parts of the world have their own traditions and clothing preferences.
Also caftans are very common as a special occasion dress.


And of course at home and in front of their husbands Muslim women allowed to wear anything they want and Muslim woman has to look as best as she can in front of her husband.We are encouraged to wear most beautiful clothes ,make up ,perfume ,jewelry everything to beautify yourself for your husband .
This is the world of Muslim women ...
She makes herself beautiful for her husband by means of make-up, clothing, etc., so that she will appear more beautiful and attractive, and thus make her husband happy. This was the practice of the righteous women of the salaf, who used to devote their time to worshipping Allah and reading Qur’aan. Foremost among them were ‘A’ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) and others; they used to wear fine clothes and jeweler at home.
It is one of the teachings of Islam that a woman should make herself look beautiful for her husband, so that her husband should only ever see of her that which he likes. 
Please leave your comments ! What do you like to wear for special occasions or for women's gatherings or special occasions ?

Artizara is announcing contest with a chance to win up to $500 .All you have to do is to send pictures how do you wear their products .Be creative!!!Read on the images I attached about contest rules and how to participate .You can also get 10% off if you become their fan on facebook.Many more coupons and special offers you can find on their blog..What do you think about this idea? Will you participate ?Please leave your comments ..

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Senseless Hammer Attack by Muslim Gang...

Officers are trying to trace Zahid Ayoob, aged 20, who is wanted in connection with an assault that took place at about 8.50pm on Friday 30 November 2007.

The victim, who is now 20, was on Bentley Street in Healey, Rochdale, when he confronted by a gang of up to 12 Asian men.

Without warning, he was set upon and was punched in the head numerous times.

He was also struck in the back of the head and neck with a hammer before the offenders fled down Bentley Street towards Shawclough Road.

Ayoob's last known address is Oswald Street, Rochdale.

Anyone with information about his whereabouts is asked to call Rochdale CID on 0161 856 4646 or the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

British Woman Beaten and Raped by 13-Year-Old Muslim...

A boy of 13 who overpowered a woman then raped her in front of his two friends will spend just three years locked away for his crimes.

Balal Khan - thought to be one of the youngest convicted rapists in Britain - targeted the 20-year-old as she walked home.

He subjected her to a severe beating then screamed at her 'Do what I say or I'll kill you', before putting her through the ordeal of a terrifying sex attack.

Then he stole her bag and phone and even took a call from his victim's boyfriend to whom he bragged about what he had done.

But after pleading guilty to charges of rape and robbery the teenager was sentenced to just three years because of his age - and because he said ‘sorry’.

A judge at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court lifted a restriction preventing the publication of Khan's identity after hearing details of the horrifying attack.

The judge heard how Khan ran up behind his victim and grabbed her around the neck as she walked through a secluded area near Cobridge, in Stoke-on-Trent one evening in September last year.

He punched and kicked her as she lay on the ground before raping her.
Robert Price, prosecuting, said: ‘She started screaming and attempted to get to her feet.

Why was teenage rapist freed to attack my little girl?

‘He responded by punching her in the mouth and knocked her back on the ground.

‘He stood over her and kicked her to the side of her face. He started shouting at her and warned that if she struggled he would “kill” her.’

The court heard two boys, aged 10 and 11, who knew Khan, stood nearby and shouted at him to stop

Afterwards Khan, of Cobridge, Stoke-on-Trent, took the victim's bag, containing an iPod and mobile phone.

He then answered a call from the victim's boyfriend. When asked why he had the phone, Khan bragged about what had taken place.

He later sold the phone and iPod, but not before making a call to his parents' home. The mobile's call records led police straight to Khan's address.

In a police interview he told officers he had tripped the victim and stolen her bag.

The court heard scientists later found Khan's DNA on swabs taken from the victim.

Naomi Perry, mitigating, said he had shown remorse for what he had done.

He apologised after finally admitting his offence to police and also when he entered his plea at court.

‘We are dealing with a very immature young man,’ Miss Perry said.

‘He has been having anger management classes and he feels these have helped him.’

Judge Paul Glenn told Khan, now aged 14, that his offences were ‘grave’ and that an adult convicted of the same crimes would have been jailed for eight or nine years.

He added: ‘It was a terrifying experience for this young woman and she will be left psychologically scarred.’

By law, anyone under 18 years old faces a lesser sentence for rape than an adult, and for those aged 14 or under the term is reduced further.

Judge Glenn took the unusual step to lift a restriction preventing the publication of Khan's name because of the grave nature of his Khan's offences.

He added: 'In this case I believe there is a legitimate public interest in naming this offender. It may prove to be a deterrent to others.'

Khan was sentenced to three years in a young offenders' institution.

Muslim polygamist charged with bigamy

Cultural showdown ahead?

This case could become a test case for the clash of cultures in Britain. Will British law bend to Sharia and allow polygamy on an open and legal basis instead of winking at it and tolerating it as it largely does now? Or will it draw the line and say that one law applies to all people there, and that polygamy is against the law?

A MAN suspected of being married to two women at the same time has been charged with bigamy.

Restaurateur Fazlur Rahman, of Gowers Street, Heybrook, was arrested at Manchester Airport on Thursday night and charged with bigamy and an immigration offence.

It is believed that police swooped as the 42-year-old flew back into the country from Lanzarote, where he owns a restaurant in Fuerteventura....

Moderate Muslim head of UK TV channel held on terror claims

The division between "moderates" and "radicals" is a matter of imposed terminology and wishful thinking on the part of Western non-Muslim analysts. In Islamic communities there exists no such distinction, such that even the head of a Muslim TV channel in the UK -- a man whom authorities undoubtedly assume is a stalwart "moderate" -- can end up being involved in jihad activity.

The head of Britain's popular Muslim television station was arrested in South Africa and faces deportation to Tunisia on terrorism claims, officials said.

Mohamed Ali Harrath, the force behind Britain's Islam Channel, was arrested Sunday in what some said was a security clampdown in South Africa in the months leading up to the 2010 World Cup soccer championship, The Times of London reported Tuesday.

The Times reported more than a year ago that Harrath, who advised Scotland Yard on Islamic extremism, was wanted by Interpol because of alleged terrorist activities in his homeland of Tunisia. The broadcaster was convicted in absentia of criminal and terrorism-related offenses in Tunisia and sentenced to 56 years in prison....

The Islam Channel accused Tunisia Monday of using Interpol to harass Harrath, who has been on an Interpol Red Notice -- the highest watch level -- since 1992 at Tunisia's request. He was allowed into Britain in 1995 and accepted as a refugee....

Monday, January 25, 2010

Iraqi who killed two doctors must stay in Britain to safeguard HIS human rights

A crazed immigrant who stabbed to death two doctors has won the right to stay in Britain - because he would be a threat to the public if deported to his homeland.

A judge has ruled that sending Laith Alani back to Iraq would also be a breach of his human rights.

Alani has spent most of the last 19 years in a secure hospital after he killed two NHS consultants in a frenzied attack because he believed he had received a 'command from Allah'.

The Home Office wanted him deported on his release, but ministers now accept they will have to abide by the ruling of the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal giving him the right to stay.

The tribunal panel, led by senior immigration judge Lance Waumsley, made the decision because if he was sent home he would inevitably be taken off the medication which controls his behaviour.

The tribunal judgment stated: 'The potential consequences would be extremely serious for (Alani) himself, and potentially life-threatening for innocent third parties around him in the event of his likely, indeed almost inevitable, relapse into a state of paranoid schizophrenia.'

Alani, 41, who is likely to be released in the near future, has been receiving the drug clozapine on the NHS for ten years. The tribunal was told it was the only medication found suitable to treat his mental condition.

Read more:

Muslim Leader Tells UK to Expect More 7/7 Style Terror Attacks as a Result of Unemployment...

BRITAIN faces more 7/7-style ­suicide bomb attacks for generations because Muslims have not fully integrated into British society, a senior Muslim adviser to the Government warned yesterday.

Iqbal Wahhab, a leading businessman and member of the ­Ethnic Minority Advisory Group, fears that a ­terrorist attack on the UK could be imminent.

His warning comes after Home Secretary Alan Johnson raised the security alert from SDHp “substantial” to “severe” at the weekend.

Latest intelligence reports suggest that Yemen-based Al Qaeda cells have trained female suicide bombers to attack the West.

Mr Wahhab said yesterday: “I’m sure there will be more suicide bombing because more and more people are being recruited all the time into these groups and they’re getting more and more sophisticated in the way they operate.

“There is a clear and present danger. It’s not just scaremongering. I’m just being realistic. There could be another 7/7 next week.”

He blamed the Government for the divisions between some ­Muslims and the wider British community. And he claimed that high unemployment among ­Muslims was also partly to blame.

He said: “It will take around 100 years for the employment gap between ethnic minorities and white people in this country to be eradicated. The Government has had a chance to fix it and hasn’t.

Politicians need to be talking to the right people. It’s not just about photocalls with imams and community leaders at Downing Street.

“A lot of the policies get hatched by people in Whitehall who rarely go out and visit or SDHp experience what I’ve seen over the last two or three years, which is a completely different picture.”

Mr Wahhab said figures showed fewer than half of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis have a job and 80 per cent in Bethnal Green – a largely Islamic area in east London – live below the poverty line.

Mr Wahhab, who runs London’s Roast restaurant, said ministers should do more to get young ­Muslims to go into business. He said: “We need to slowly steer people off the course of being one of those bombers and making them the next executive of a plc.”

MI5 chiefs have warned there are at least 2,000 people involved in terrorist activity in the UK – some as young as 15.

Foreign Secretary David Miliband yesterday urged people to be “extremely vigilant” following the latest terror warning.

Security forces will be on high alert this week with high-profile conferences on Yemen and Afghanistan being held in London.

Hunt for Iraqi after fatal stabbing

COPS launched a nationwide manhunt yesterday after a teenage student was stabbed to death.

They are looking for Iraqi Kurd Reaban Borhan Kareem, 22, and warned: "Do not approach him."

He vanished after the 19-year-old Chinese male student died from multiple stab wounds at his digs on Friday night.

A 30-year-old man was stabbed and woman, 22, assaulted in the same incident at a home in Bradford, West Yorks.

It is believed Kareem could be trying to flee abroad and checks were being kept on airports and ports.

He is described as about 5ft 10in, with short gelled greasy hair, acne on his face and a prominent nose. He speaks Kurdish and English.

Det Sgt Steve Payne said: "We urgently want to see Mr Kareem. Anyone who sees him should not approach him."

A man, 19, arrested in London on Saturday was last night being quizzed over the incident.

Announcment !!!!!! Please read !!!

assalamu aleikum

Sisters please check my other blog .
I'm doing a lot of Craft projects and it might be interesting for you all .Please subscribe and leave your comments.

I want to show the world that Muslim women are very talented and we all can do many things ,that others think we can't .
Please help my Blog :)

Jazakumullahu khayran

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Muslim police say Islam not to blame for terror attacks

Muslim Police Say Islam Not to Blame for Terror Attacks.

Everybody’s talking about it except, to date, the BBC.

They tell us that the anti-terror Police need Muslims.But the NAMP has, it seems, some dodgy friends.

That was a bit skimpy, sorry.The Telegraph report is on the Front Page of the paper (tree version.)A highlighted quote from the NAMP says: “Hatred against Muslims has grown to a level that defies all logic”Unfortunately it doesn’t defy all logic at all.

What does defy logic is that while the so-called peaceful majority of moderate Muslims fail to explain exactly where their religious faith differs from that of self-proclaimed “true” Muslims like Anjem Choudary or any of the myriad Jihadi martyrs, they expect anyone to accept this ridiculous sounding theory.

It’s all very well to say ‘”that’s not the real Islam.” So what sort of Islam is moderate Islam, and what good does it do?

The veiled threat in their statement amounts to: “If you don’t stop saying we’re violent, we’ll bash yer brains in.”

I presume the government will be suitably intimidated, and issue a statement that it’s the far right they’re really concerned about, and will re engage with the MCB for some more lovely advice.

Oh no, they’ve done that already.

So what will Newsnight be saying about all this?

Who will they bring in to pacify the NAMP? Or will they ignore it and hope it goes away.

The same moderate group who's "Lord" Ahmed threatened the House of Lords authorities that he would bring a force of 10,000 Muslims to lay siege to the Lords.


Muslim students recruited for jihad in Somalia while al-Shabaab avoids ban

Students from some of Britain's top universities are travelling to Somalia to fight with a terrorist group linked to Al-Qaeda.

Almost a dozen young British Muslims, including a female medical researcher, are said recently to have joined Al-Shabaab, an extremist rebel organisation blamed for hundreds of deaths in the east African state.

Somali community leaders in the UK say students from the London School of Economics (LSE), Imperial College and King's College London are among those who have been recruited within the past year. The youngest recruit is believed to be 18.

One LSE graduate who grew up in Britain is said to have called his pregnant wife from Mogadishu, the Somali capital, telling her: "I am here defending my country and my rights. Look after my daughter. I don't think I will see you again."

An investigation by The Sunday Times into the terrorist "pipeline" to Somalia substantiates claims that Britain has become a fertile breeding ground for Al-Qaeda.

It follows the case of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the London engineering graduate accused of trying to blow up almost 300 passengers on a transatlantic flight on Christmas Day.

The security services believe that Britons travelling overseas to train and fight in lawless countries such as Somalia and Yemen pose a serious risk on their return to the UK.

They have previously suggested that at least two dozen Britons have gone out to Somalia to take up arms and even become suicide bombers, but community leaders believe the figure could be more than 100.

Al-Shabaab -- Arabic for "the Youth" -- wants to impose sharia across Somalia and is engaged in a violent struggle against the country's western-backed government. Experts regard it as an African franchise of Al-Qaeda.

It has been proscribed by most western countries, including America and Australia, but has escaped a ban in Britain.

Sheikh Mohamed Ahmed, a moderate religious leader from north London, warned this weekend that Al-Shabaab is exploiting the loophole to recruit youths in the capital. Although many of them were born in Somalia, they have grown up in the UK and are British citizens.

"It's unbelievable," said Ahmed. "The group's supporters and recruiters are free to do what they want."

Ahmed said some families had received anonymous phone calls from Al-Shabaab recruiters urging them to send their children abroad in the name of Islam. "The police said they cannot take action until they [the recruits] do something," he said....

Why are Islamic spokesmen in the West lying about the Qur'an's "wife-beating" verse?

It is worth noting how several translators render the key word in the Qur'an's notorious verse sanctioning the beating of disobedient women (4:34), وَاضْرِبُوهُنَّ, waidriboohunna.

Pickthall: "and scourge them"

Yusuf Ali: "(And last) beat them (lightly)"

Al-Hilali/Khan: "(and last) beat them (lightly, if it is useful)"

Shakir: "and beat them"Sher Ali: "and chastise them"Khalifa: "then you may (as a last alternative) beat them"

Arberry: "and beat them"Rodwell: "and scourge them"Sale: "and chastise them"

Asad: "then beat them"

Dawood: "and beat them."

Laleh Bakhtiar, in a new translation that has received wide publicity, translates it as "go away from them."

However, in light of this unanimity among the translators, both Muslim and non-Muslim, this seems difficult to sustain - all of these authorities got the passage wrong until Bakhtiar?

But her impulse is understandable, as many Muslims today regard this verse with acute embarrassment.

Muhammad Asad adduces numerous traditions in which Muhammad "forbade the beating of any woman," concluding that wife-beating is "barely permissible, and should preferably be avoided.

Unfortunately, however, this is not a unanimous view.

Sheikh Syed Mahmud Allusi in his Qur'an commentary Ruhul Ma'ani gives four reasons that a man may beat his wife:

"if she refuses to beautify herself for him," if she refuses sex when he asks for it, if she refuses to pray or perform ritual ablutions, and "if she goes out of the house without a valid excuse." Also, Muhammad's example is normative for Muslims, since he is an "excellent example of conduct" (Qur'an 33:21) - and Aisha reports that Muhammad struck her.

Once he went out at night after he thought she was asleep, and she followed him surreptitiously.

Muhammad saw her, and, as Aisha recounts: "He struck me on the chest which caused me pain, and then said: Did you think that Allah and His Apostle would deal unjustly with you?"

And now a questioner at Yahoo Answers asks a question that most don't know to ask and that few among those who do know dare to ask:

Why do non Arabic speaking Muslims try to delude themselves & others that 4:34 means 'leave" not beat

Quran 4:34 has historically been translated as hit, strike or beat, until modernity when Muslims became ashamed of Allah's perfect marital problem solving principles, so Yusuf Ali first added "lightly" after beat, then others went further & started claiming that it means "leave".

As the majority of Muslims globally are non Arabic speakers, and as most converts to Islam are keen to swallow all lies to save their faith, they managed to fool quite a few.

Here are examples of the word:

Verse: 8.50 Object: Human FacesIf thou couldst see, when the angels take the souls of the Unbelievers (at death), (How) they smite their faces and their backs, (saying): "Taste the penalty of the blazing Fire-


Walaw tara ith yatawaffa allatheena kafaroo almala-ikatu yadriboona wujoohahum waadbarahum wathooqoo AAathaba alhareeqi

Qur'an 8:50yadriboona wujoohahum literally meaning "hit their faces," which is translated by Muslims as "beat their faces."

Verse: 47.27 Object: Human FacesBut how (will it be) when the angels take their souls at death, and smite their faces and their backs? Fakayfa itha tawaffat-humu almala-ikatu yadriboona wujoohahum waadbarahum

Qur'an 47:27yadriboona wujoohahum literally meaning "hit their faces." Also translated correctly by Muslims

Comparing the two terms

Beat them and leave them are different phrases in Arabic.

The arabic word idribohunna driven from the root word Darab does not have any other meaning than Beat when it comes to mean "Yadreb Ahadan" = Hit someone. Idriboohunna (أضربوهن) means beat them (for female plural). Adriboo Anhunna (اضربوا عنهن) is the one that means abandon or leave them.

According to the Arabic lexicon
Arabic Transliteration Meaningضرب Zarb Beatأضربوهن (used in 4:34) Idriboohunna Beat themاضربوا عنهن Adriboo Anhunna abandon them, leave them

Quran 4:34 says Idriboohunna أضربوهن, not Adribu Anhunna اضربوا عنهن. These two phrases have different meanings.

The vast majority of Muslims in the world don't speak Arabic, many converts to Islam don't learn sufficient Arabic first.

Why try to fool themselves that a circle is a square because this verse jeopardizes their faith?

Why not examine this verse & other unpleasant verses & then decide to take a courageous step of quitting?

The Muslim Wheel of Domestic Violence

Thursday, January 21, 2010

French burka ban looms

For several months a parliamentary commission in France has been investigating whether the burka or the niqab (the full veil) should be banned. They are due to report next Tuesday, 26 January. It is now clear that they will say that the burka "should be prohibited on the territory of the Republic".
In an interview with today's Le Figaro, the president of the commission, Andre Gerin, said that "the ban on the burka will be absolute" in public places.
Now this will have the force of an opinion, but it will be the first step towards putting a law in place. A great many deputies in the parliament clearly want this to be followed by a law. Nothing will happen quickly and certainly not before the French regional elections in March. There will also be an intense debate as to what the legislation should include and how to avoid it clashing with human rights laws.
I spoke with Jean-Francois Cope, the head of the parliamentary group for the UMP (the governing party) and he said that this was mostly about women's rights. "We think in our country", he told me, "that the face is a way of recognising and respecting each other". The veil, he went on, isn't the point. It is the covering of the face that we object to.
Now Mr Cope has already talked of fining those who break the law. Others like Xavier Bertrand have gone further in suggesting niqab wearers should not acquire French nationality. In his view the full veil is "simply a prison for women who wear it".
The deputies, who support the ban, say that many Muslims confirm that nothing in Islam requires women to wear the full veil. Only about 1900 women in France wear it.
It is difficult to isolate where this push for banning the burka comes from. Mr Cope said it had the support of 74% of French people. What people say is that as Muslims have become more visible across Europe, there is a concern that they are pushing a separate identity that would lead to parallel, not integrated, communities.
One academic I spoke to said that liberals had not expected, in backing multiculturalism, that newcomers would arrive and live apart from the society they had joined. President Sarkozy has spoken of "this feeling of sharing less and less a common culture, a common imagination and a common morality". In his view, becoming French means "adhering to a form of civilisation, values and behaviour".
Tomorrow I will write on the view from behind the niqab and how women who wear it may react to legislation if it comes.

Please share your views and comments !!!
I personally disagree with legislation .
France is supposed to be called Free country .
People can walk half naked ,following the so called Fashion ,but when a woman is walking covered ,then it is considered a threat.Where is logic here and what kind of free country it is?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Brits Take Stand: No Super-Mosque Next to Olympics Site

Campaigners opposed to a “super-mosque” being built next to the 2012 Olympic site today told of their delight after the scheme was blocked.

The Abbey Mills mosque and Islamic centre on a 7.3 hectare site in Stratford was to house 12,000 worshippers and would have been the biggest in Europe.

But Newham council announced it will issue an eviction notice against the Islamist group behind it, Tablighi Jamaat, which has 80 million followers worldwide.

Alan Craig, a Christian Peoples' Alliance councillor, said: “I'm delighted that the council has finally seen the light on this. It's a key site for the local community that would have been lost if the mega-mosque had been built. It is a big step forward, but a lot could still happen.

“The authorities use planning terms, but they've come to see the misogynist nature of the group themselves and don't want to give them that platform.” Newham council issued enforcement notices against Tablighi Jamaat on Thursday.

The council is also considering compulsory purchase of the land where a temporary mosque has been operating illegally for three years.

The mosque has faced massive opposition from the local community and religious groups. More than 48,000 people have signed a petition against the development since the sect unveiled its plans for the site in 2007.

The strict movement “utterly refutes any links to terrorism or terrorists”, but intelligence agencies fear al Qaeda could be using membership of the movement as a cover-up for networking with extremists in America.

Tablighi Jamaat vowed to go ahead with the plans, but no work has been done on the project since last summer. The Muslim Council of Britain criticised the eviction, branding it “unfounded hostility and hysteria”. However, other Muslim groups welcomed the move.

Minhaj-ul-Quran, which advises the Government on combating youth radicalisation, told The Times that a mosque should be a “community effort” — not the work of one group.

Hate preacher Abu Hamza launches legal fight to keep British passport

Hate preacher Abu Hamza last night began yet another expensive legal fight against the taxpayer - this time to retain his British passport.

His appeal against a Home Office decision to remove his UK citizenship is expected to cost tens of thousands of pounds.

This is in addition to the estimated £3.5million the fanatic has already cost the public purse, including £1.1million in legal aid.

Home Secretary Alan Johnson says Hamza, who has joint UK and Egyptian nationality, is unfit to keep his British passport.

But 51-year-old Hamza claims this is unfair.

He is currently in a high security jail fighting attempts to extradite him to the U.S. on terror charges.

That case will come before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg later this year.

His lawyer, Amanda Weston, told a preliminary hearing of the Special Immigration Appeals Commission that her client wanted the citizenship case heard while he was still in the UK and 'able to participate in proceedings'.

James Strachan, for the Home Office, said the case should be put off until after the Strasbourg ruling.

Hamza, who for years preached hate at the Finsbury Park Mosque in North London, is using every possible means to stay here.

If he wins both his extradition case at the European Court of Human Rights and his citizenship appeal, he could not be sent to the U.S. or any other country.

Hamza came here from north Africa in the early 1980s on a student visa and acquired a British passport through marriage. He was jailed for seven years in February 2006 for inciting murder and race hate.

Attempts to take his passport away were launched in 2003 but delayed by other legal actions against him.

Revoking his citizenship might allow the authorities to deport Hamza if his court fight against extradition is successful.

A preliminary hearing date was set for February 9.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Loophole allowing physical punishment of children at mosque schools allowed to stand

"The ban exempts schools where children attend for less than 12.5 hours per week." The time limit it utterly irrelevant, as there is ample physical and emotional abuse that could occur in "only" 12.5 hours a week. Surely Ed Balls realizes that; many others within the government have suggested that the real hangup here is the fear of inflaming "cultural" sensitivities, leading to possible "radicalization." In other words, vulnerable children are at risk while the educational establishment is submitting to blackmail.

"Double standards row as Ed Balls refuses to ban smacking at mosque schools to avoid 'upsetting Muslim sensitivities'," by Brendan Carlin for the Daily Mail,

mr Balls was last week urged to close a legal loophole which gives teachers in Britain's estimated 1,600 schools associated with mosques the right to smack children - even though it is banned in other schools.

He refused, prompting claims that he is allowing an alleged 'culture of physical abuse' in some of the mosque schools - or madrasahs - go unchecked.

Smacking is banned in all State and private schools. However, it does not apply to madrasahs, where pupils usually study in the evenings or at weekends, because the ban exempts schools where children attend for less than 12.5 hours per week.

Lib Dem schools spokesman David Laws, who is spearheading the campaign to close the smacking loophole, said: 'The Government needs to legislate to protect children - not leave an opt-out simply because it fears some ethnic or religious backlash.'

He was supported by Labour MP Ann Cryer, who said it would be 'bonkers' if the Government did not act. She said: 'I suspect people are frightened of upsetting the sensitivities of certain members of the Muslim faith.

A report just over a year ago warned that madrasah students had been slapped, punched and had their ears twisted

Irfan Chishti, a former Government adviser on Islamic affairs, said that one madrasah student was 'picked up by one leg and spun around' while another pupil said a teacher was 'kicking in my head like a football'.

In a separate report in 2006, leading British Muslim Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui raised fears that physical abuse in madrasahs was 'widespread'.

MPs have been told some of the alleged abuse of children in the Islamic schools may be the result of ignorance of laws on the treatment of children among Muslim parents and teachers.

Mrs Cryer, whose Keighley constituency in Yorkshire has a large ethnic community, claimed some of the children being illtreated in Islamic schools were those with special needs.

She said she was alerted to the problem by a local schoolteacher-I had a lot of problems in a madrasah in my constituency,' said Mrs Cryer.

'They don't seem to have any understanding of special needs children. If a kid isn't learning their Koranic verses terribly well, they think it's because they are being naughty, not because they have an incapacity.

'It isn't always a question of just beating. They have a particular punishment called the "chicken position" where a child must squat on the floor until they get very uncomfortable.'

She denied she was biased against Islamic schools and said classes run by 'strange Christian sects' should also be covered by the smacking ban.

The corporal punishment exemption also covers Sunday schools, home tutors and other people who are considered to be acting 'in loco parentis'.

They can still smack children as long as the punishment is 'reasonable' - the same rule as applies to parents.

But experts suspect the real problems occur in madrasahs, although they believe it also an issue with some fundamentalist Christian Sunday schools....

One can only figure it would be banned outright in the latter case if not for the 1600 British mosque schools that could be affected, and potentially offended.

Book 2, Number 0495: Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: Command your children to pray when they become seven years old, and beat them for it (prayer) when they become ten years old; and arrange their beds (to sleep) separately.

Muslims in U.K. press for imposition of dhimmi laws silencing Christian worship

According to Islamic law, dhimmis -- primarily Jews and Christians under the "protection" of the Islamic state -- are "forbidden to openly display wine or pork, (A: to ring church bells or display crosses,) recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feastdays" ('Umdat al-Salik, o11.5(6)).

No bells, no public displays. And in the modern age, no loud joyful music. And some Muslims in the U.K. have gone to court to press for the enforcement of Sharia provisions upon Christians there, and have succeeded in forcing them to curtail their worship services.
An update on
this story. "Newest attack on Christianity: Just shut up! Noise ordinances latest weapon against churches,

A Christian legal organization in the United Kingdom is reporting a skirmish victory in the latest war against Christians and their churches - the demand that they essentially be silent in their worship.

Cases have cropped up in recent months both in the U.K. as well as the United States in which governmental bodies have demanded that Christian groups essentially be silent - so that no one can hear their worship.

The Christian Legal Centre in the U.K. is reporting a victory in a battle, although the war remains....

The legal organization said another church, Immanuel House of Worship in London, also has been "silenced" by the government because the sound of its worship drew a complaint from a single Muslim neighbor.

That's despite the fact the neighbor is living in what used to be a church house adjacent to the church itself.

The church in Walthamstow was targeted by a noise abatement order even though local government officials had tested - and approved - its sound mitigation plan.

Ade Ajike, a church trustee, reported that after a visit from a government environmental health officer, the officer warned, "the church had to keep the noise down so as not to offend the Muslims living in the area."

"He told us 'this is a Muslim borough, you have to tread carefully,'" Ajike reported about the 2009 dispute.

The church has since reduced its Sunday worship from four hours to two hours and 30 minutes, of which music is played for only about 45 minutes. Midweek services were changed so that no music was used, and Sunday evening services were reduced to one a month.

The church further eliminated the use of percussion from its worship.

"Despite all our action, the occupant, who actually lives in what was the former manse to the church, would stand at the church's main entrance door and shout his complaints and demand our pastor come out to speak to him during his sermon," Ajike said.
That church's case continues on appeal....

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Great Mosque in Samarra, Iraq

Great Mosque in Samarra, Iraq

Great Mosque in Samarra, Iraq was built in the 9th century, the 848CE, completed in 52 years during the reign of the Abbasid Caliph al-Mutawakkil (in Samarra) from 847 to 861.

At the time, this mosque is the largest mosque in the world, a high tower, which is a famous tower called al-Malwiya tower is 52 meters with a base width of the spiral tower of 33 meters, and can accommodate eighty thousand worshipers. Mosque didinding or lined with brick walls that surround an area measuring 240 meters long, 158 meters wide and 10 meters high. Walls covered with dark blue panels with glass mosaic.

Tower spiral mosque. This spiral minaret is very popular, and are features that are listed first in historic buildings "Congregational Mosque" Al-Mutawakkil in Iraq, followed by 20 other palace buildings. This proves that the leader or caliph in Iraq at that time really appreciate the development and advancement of architectural art.

Unfortunately, on April 1, 2005, the top Malwiya mosque damaged by a bomb. infasi U.S. in the war to Iraqi state. (such as pictures of ruins mosque, as well) Iraqi officials have stated a claim that U.S. troops had caused significant damage to historic sites in Samarra, including the walls of an ancient palace in Iraq.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Gov't re-establishes ties with Muslim Council of Britain

Ministers have restored official ties with the Muslim Council of Britain despite its refusal to remove a deputy leader accused of supporting attacks on British soldiers.

Hazel Blears severed Government relations with the country's leading Muslim group almost a year ago after deputy secretary-general Daud Abdullah signed a declaration in support of Hamas.

The document also seemingly advocated attacks on the Navy if it tried to stop arms intended for Hamas being smuggled into Gaza.

Mrs Blears, then Communities Secretary, said the ban on the MCB - which was once considered the Muslim group closest to Labour - would remain in place until a firm stance was taken against Dr Abdullah.

But, despite Dr Abdullah retaining his post, the new Communities Secretary John Denham yesterday said the MCB would be invited back into the fold.

It will attend Government conferences and take part in consultations over policy.

The only restriction is that Dr Abdullah will not himself be allowed to attend the meetings.

Officials said Mr Denham had made the decision after the MCB stated its opposition to violence.
But critics accused the Government of capitulating for fear of losing votes at the upcoming General Election.

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Islam4UK says under sharia law there would be 'free food for all' - just like Saudi Arabia?

Muslim council leader wins £45,000 damages from BBC over claims he supported kidnap and killing of British troops

Tory MP Paul Goodman said: 'It is a surrender to extremism by a bunch of politicians who are scared witless over losing their seat and are prepared to compromise real cohesion and real integration in order to appease an organisation that remains tainted.'

Labour's relationship with the MCB - which acted as a key adviser to Tony Blair in the wake of the July 7 attacks - has lurched between being very close and frosty in recent years.

In 2006, ministers decided to distance themselves from the group in frustration at the MCB's refusal to attend Holocaust Memorial Day.

But after agreeing to drop their opposition, it was welcomed back into the fold a year later. Last January, however, tensions again exploded when the MCB launched another boycott against the memorial day in protest at the Israeli action in Gaza.

These were heightened further when Dr Abdullah, who has also served as a member of the Government-backed Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board, was one of 90 Muslim leaders around the globe who signed the controversial 'Istanbul declaration'.

It said: 'The obligation of the Islamic Nation [is] to regard the sending of foreign warships into Muslim waters, claiming to control the borders and prevent the smuggling of arms to Gaza, as a declaration of war, a new occupation, sinful aggression.

This must be rejected and fought by all means and ways.'

The declaration was interpreted as calling for violence against Israel and condoning attacks on British troops.

Last night, a spokesman for the Department for Communities and Local Government said: "The Muslim Council of Britain has made a commitment to Government to examine their internal processes and ensure that the personal actions of all members, including senior leaders, remain true to the organisation's agreed policies, avoiding a repeat of the issues which arose after one member signed the Istanbul Declaration.

'The MCB has stated its categorical opposition to attacks on British defence interests and confirmed its unwavering support for British troops across the world.

'It has also made clear that it stands firmly against anti-Semitism and other forms of racism.'

The significance of these actions on the part of the MCB has led to the Government lifting the suspension of its formal relationship with that organisation.

The MCB will now contribute to ongoing dialogue with Government as one amongst a wide range of Muslim organisations.

'We will closely monitor how the internal processes progress over the coming months.

There is as yet no word from the Tories on this decision. But Paul Goodman, who was until the end of this year the Tory spokesman on these issues, has slammed the decision as "appeasement of extremists by a bunch of politicians scared witless of losing their seats."

One thing to watch for is whether the MCB attends Holocaust Memorial Day this year. If it doesn't, it will highlight just how wrong-headed the government's decision is.

the oldest mosques in the city of Colombo

Jami-Ul-Alfar, is one of the oldest mosques in the city of Colombo and an icon of tourism in the capital of Sri Lanka

Characteristic of this mosque architecture design is a decorative wall ornament or red and white stripes.

The mosque is located at the crossroads in the Pettah Bazaar, built in 1909 by architect named Saibo Lebbe who designed this building for one year in 1908.

Some people have recognized that Jami Ul Alfar mosque is one of the "land mark" or the icon pawisata Colombo city

In addition to the city of Colombo in Sri Lanka, the architecture of these mosques are also located in the city called Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Masjid Jamek

Friday, January 15, 2010

Assyafaah Mosque, Singapore

Assyafaah Mosque, Singapore is a mosque that was built with modern architectural design (The Modern Mosque), the mosque was once a base or office Singapore Islamic Religious Council of Singapore Majlis Ulema Islam (MUIS) is designed by the "Forum Architects of Singapore", at all these mosques without a dome or dome.

The mosque is located in the northern island of Singapore in an environment full of tall buildings, architect Tan Kok Hiang with this mosque design concerns with the concept of "harmony and tolerance" in the diversity of the social life of various tribes, thus physical diaktualisasikanlah mosque architecture impartially to civilization one tribe or ethnic manapun.dan on paradaban even any religion. But this building sudahbarang course must have a feature or a sign that the building actually was a mosque.

Assyafaah mosque opened in 2004 and this year the fifth mosque built in phase III, the program "The Mosque Building Fund" North Singapore Muslim community. Mosque built using steel frame construction coated with anti-rust and cover "colorless polyurethane". The mosque is also in place of two old mosques closed in the Sembawang area that can accommodate as many as 4000 people audience.

Children, 9, saved from 'forced marriages', government review finds

Almost half of the 86 females who were granted civil safeguards over the past year were children aged under 18, the Ministry of Justice review found.

The number saved in the first year of the scheme was double what government officials had expected to help since the forced marriage protection orders were introduced.

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Under the orders police and councils can confiscate potential victims passports while forcing relatives to disclose where women and children have been taken if they are no longer in Britain.
As part of the review the MoJ interviewed police officers, charities, judges and social work departments to find out how the orders were working.

It found that the government's forced marriage unit dealt with more than 1,600 reports of possible forced marriages.

More than 420 became cases of girls and women being married forcibly in the UK or taken abroad, it found.

Many were then physical, psychological, sexual, financial and emotional pressure.
“A woman who is forced into marriage is likely to be raped and may be raped repeatedly until she becomes pregnant,” says the report published into the first year of the Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act of 2007.

The review expressed concern that the problem was still being under reported with the message still not getting through to women in closed communities.

It found that some authorities and schools were reluctant to publicise the new orders because of “the presence of a PC agenda whereby there was reluctance to risk causing offence”.

“There was concern locally about stigmatising the minority communities, and people were afraid to use the court, despite active police involvement,” it found.

It added: “Social services ... were not perceived as having understood the full potential of the orders at an early stage and how they should relate to their child protection procedures as an additional measure for protection.”

Victims were also thought to be afraid to give evidence against relatives.

The Government recently announced that children as young as five would be given the compulsory lessons to combat negative attitudes towards girls and women that could lead to a tendency towards violence in later life.

The government strategy highlighted that certain groups of women, particularly those from ethnic minorities, face specific forms of violence, such as forced marriages, honour-based crime and female genital mutilation.

Justice Minister Bridget Prentice said: "There is no doubt in my mind that we have provided a remedy to respond to a genuine need.

"The protection orders have demonstrated there is a need for action, but also a need for caution and understanding of their impact on a young person who might then lose their family and community, and will need long term protection and support."

EU Tells Britain to Reinstate Benefits to Wives of Terrorists...

Europe's law chief wants Britain to reinstate the payment of tens of thousands of pounds in State handouts to the wives of suspected Al Qaeda and Taliban fanatics.

Ministers have halted benefit payouts made to the families of suspected terrorists to prevent the money falling into the hands of banned groups.

The Treasury says the power is a vital weapon in the war against terrorism. It stems from a crackdown on terrorist financing launched in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.

However, the senior advocate of the European Court of Justice, Paolo Mengozzi, yesterday declared the decision to stop the payments was unfair on the grounds of human rights.

His opinion is likely to prove crucial when Europe's highest court considers three test cases brought by the wives of British-based terror suspects later this year.

In eight out of every ten cases, the court has agreed with the Advocate General - making it highly likely the UK taxpayer will soon begin forking out hundreds of pounds a week to the families.

Whitehall officials have refused to name the families involved in the test cases - but all three of the husbands are foreign nationals on the United Nations list of international terror suspects.

They have been linked by security officials to Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and the Taliban
The payouts to their wives include income support, child benefit and housing assistance worth 'several hundred' pounds a week.

Last night, campaign groups said it would be outrageous for the European courts to once again water down Britain's anti-terror laws.

Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said: 'It is absurd that this unaccountable European court is trying to dictate
to the British Government how we spend our own money. British taxpayers are already sick of bankrolling the lifestyles of people who preach hate against our country, and there is no way that they should be able to fund their activities or their families through milking the welfare system.

'Whether you agree with the judgment or not, it is a choice that should be made by our country, not these lawyers who are answerable to nobody.'

Under the Treasury's rules, social security payments cannot be made available 'directly or indirectly, to, or for the benefit of' anyone who is on the UN terrorism sanctions list.

This has been applied to the wives of as many as ten terror suspects, who have been hit with licences restricting their access to state funds.

In the case due before the EU court, the three women claim this amounts to a violation of their human right to a family life.

Their first appeal was rejected. But in a second appeal to the House of Lords, Britain's highest court, judges had concerns about how the law was being applied.

In April 2008, they asked the European Court of Justice to provide a ruling.

Any decision by the European court, which is expected to issue a final judgment in three to six months, will be binding on the House of Lords and on courts throughout the EU.

In advance of this decision, Mr Mengozzi issued a 26-page written opinion in which he argued the phrase 'directly or indirectly, to, or for the benefit of' suspected terrorists was very widely drawn.

He acknowledged that the payments made to the wives could benefit their husbands, but disputed whether those benefits could easily be converted into funds to finance terrorism.

Mr Mengozzi advised the European Court of Justice to rule that the extra restrictions were unjustified and violated the right to respect for family life.

Earlier this week, the European Court of Human Rights dealt a separate blow to UK anti-terror policy when it ruled the stopping and searching of suspects without grounds for suspicion was unlawful.

The searches had been a key plank of policing for over a decade.
For a far more extensive representation of muslim violence worldwide go to the Religion of Peace website

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Koleksi Terbaru Kaos Ukhti

Harga :Rp 80.000,-
Rok Celana : Rp 85.000,-
Warna : Navy

Koleksi Terbaru Kaos Ukhti

Harga : Rp 75.000,-
Warna : hijau

Koleksi Terbaru Kaos Ukhti

Warna : Ungu
Harga : Rp 80.000,-
Rok : Rp 65.000,-

Koleksi Terbaru Kaos Ukhti

Warna : Biru Navy
Harga : Rp 75.000,-

Ireland Dublin Mosque

Ireland Dublin Mosque
Ireland Dublin Mosque, the mosque is one that reflects the local culture, because the semulanya not designed for building mosques. Tetepi designed and built to house a home, then switch the function of mosques as a place of worship.

This mosque, opened in 1983, by a group of Muslim students who arrived in Dublin in the early 1950s in order to study in this area. They are the Society's first Islamic society in 1959 in Dublin, and a decade later people began to raise funds to purchase a building that would be the mosques.

They first bought a house in Harrington Street, and then increased the number of Muslim immigrants as well so they had to search for new buildings.

In 1983 they purchased a building, the building now was once a house on South Circular Road, Dublin 8, which later became a mosque and also functioned as the center "The Islamic Foundation" in Ireland. Now the number of Muslims in Ireland amounted to approximately 1300 people.

"Mahligai Minang" Masjid Raya Minangkabau

Mahligai Minang
West Sumatra Province, Indonesia wanted to make a mark in addition to land in West Sumatra in the Clock Tower Bukittinggi, then in a couple of years there will be a new land mark called "Mahligai Minang". This is the work of the architectural contest winners followed by 323 architects from several countries.

Minang Mahligai not merely a mosque, but an identity that will be centers of civilization, where one of the main building is the mosque building. That's where the blend of Islam and Minangkabau, by completing the building or room, among others; bangungunan room or educational institutions such as libraries, recreation vegas family, multi-purpose room that accommodates 3,000 people who could be used for seminars, performing arts, and so on.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"moderate" Muslim TV channel in UK linked to jihadist cleric al-Awlaki

A London-based satellite broadcaster that describes itself as "the voice of authority for Muslims in the UK" has been accused of giving a platform to Anwar al-Awlaki, the extremist cleric with alleged links to al-Qaida and to the man charged with trying to blow up a transatlantic jet on Christmas Day.

The Islam Channel, a free-to-air English-language channel that claims to be "a trustworthy source to the two million-plus population of Muslims in the UK", last year carried adverts for a box set of DVDs of Awlaki's sermons and for at least two events at which the cleric was due to be the star speaker via a video link

The channel's website has allowed visitors to click through to a pooled archive of Islamic scholars, from which they can download sermons by Awlaki, including "Stop Police Terror", "Brutality Towards Muslims" and "It's a War against Islam"

Islamic scholars have expressed concern. "Anwar al-Awlaki is asking all Muslims to unite against the west as Muslims," said Dr Irfan al-Alawi of the Centre for Islamic Pluralism. "He supports jihad to ensnare all naive, young people who get emotionally attached and go on jihadist tirades."
US intelligence agencies claim Awlaki is a key member of al-Qaida.

Last week John Brennan, the US deputy national security adviser, said there were "indications" there had been direct contact between Awlaki and Umar Abdulmutallab, the 23-year-old former University College London student charged with trying to set off a bomb on a flight bound for Detroit on Christmas Day.

Awlaki has also been linked to an attack by a US army major, Nidal Malik Hasan, last November, in which 13 people died. "Mr Awlaki is a problem," Brennan said. "He's clearly a part of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula. He's not just a cleric. He is trying to instigate terrorism."...
Leading British Muslim organisations, including the Islamic Society of Britain, have promoted Awlaki's lectures in the past, but now condemn his views....

The channel's chief executive officer, Mohamed Ali Harrath, has been on an Interpol wanted list since 1992, after his native Tunisia accused him of attempting to create "an Islamic state by means of armed revolutionary violence". Harrath denies the charges.

A spokeswoman for the channel said it had been unaware its website had provided links to Awlaki's sermons. She said the sermons were in an online archive shared with many websites.

"Islam Channel has not at any time given a platform to Mr Awlaki," she said. The channel has now removed the link....

UK bans Islamic supremacist group

Islam4UK, the Islamist group which provoked outrage with its plan to march through Wootton Bassett will be banned under counter-terrorism laws, Home Secretary Alan Johnson has announced.

The order will come into effect on Thursday and make it a criminal offence to be a member, punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Mr Johnson said the group had tried to escape proscription simply by changing its name.He said the order would apply to the group's other names, including Al Muhajiroun.

"I have today laid an order which will proscribe Al Muhajiroun, Islam4UK, and a number of the other names the organisation goes by," he said.

"It is already proscribed under two other names - Al Ghurabaa and The Saved Sect.
"Proscription is a tough but necessary power to tackle terrorism and is not a course we take lightly.

"We are clear that an organisation should not be able to circumvent proscription by simply changing its name."...

But what will prevent them from doing it again? It is not against British law to agitate for Sharia in Britain. So another name change is in order!

"Islam divides us, say the majority of Britons,"

More than half the population believe Britain is deeply divided along religious lines, according to an official survey.

A majority would also strongly oppose the development of a mosque in their neighbourhood, the research into social attitudes found.

Almost half - 45 per cent - say they do not believe that diversity has brought benefits to the country and that religious diversity has had a negative impact.
The government-backed inquiry revealed that only one in four people in Britain feel positively about Islam.

The warnings on the extent of the divide between Muslims and much of the rest of the country come in the annual British Social Attitudes survey, produced with funding from Whitehall....

Read it all.