Tuesday, November 30, 2010
London Cabbie on Holiday to Kill British Soldiers...
“I work as a minicab driver,” said the man, who has the rank of a mid-level Taliban commander.
“I make good money there [in the UK], you know. But these people are my friends and my family and it’s my duty to come to fight the jihad with them.”
“There are many people like me in London,” he added. “We collect money for the jihad all year and come and fight if we can.”
His older brother, a senior cleric or mawlawi who also fought in Dhani-Ghorri, lives in London as well.
Intelligence officials have long suspected that British Muslims travel to Afghanistan and Pakistan each year to train with extremist groups.
Read More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/24/uk-based-taliban-afghanistan
Beaten and Raped Wife Unable to Deport Husband...
The Pakistani man told her: “I can force you, I can do what I want with you,” it is alleged.
The 27-year-old man, who cannot be named to protect the identity of his wife, denies eight offences of rape.
Prosecutor Richard Gioserano told the jury at Bradford Crown Court yesterday that the woman’s family arranged her marriage.
It took place in Pakistan in 2006 when she was 29.
After the wedding, she returned to the UK and her husband joined her when his visa came through.
Mr Gioserano said the marriage was unhappy and the defendant began hitting his wife.
She moved in with her parents and wrote to the Home Office saying her husband had subjected her to violence and abuse.
“She did not know where he had gone but asked that he be deported so that she could carry on her life without fear,” Mr Gioserano said.
Her husband contacted her some months later, saying the Home Office had decided not to deport him, the court heard.
He told her he was sorry and that he would not hit her again, and apologised to her parents, it is alleged.
Mr Gioserano said he must have known that his wife now had her own house, that he was coming to the end of his two-year visa and that he needed her help to remain in the UK.
The couple got back together but he began hitting her again, the jury was told.
“Things started to get a whole lot worse. The violence continued and, with the violence, came rape,” Mr Gioserano said.
He told the court: “The prosecution say that for the best part of six months, behind the closed doors of their home, this defendant would regularly force himself upon his wife.
“Against a constant background of violence and fear, he would have sex with her whenever he wished – sex to which she did not consent and he did not reasonably believe that she did.”
The court heard that the first three charges were sample counts because the man “did it so often”.
The rest were on specific occasions around the time of Eid last year.
“After that, she decided things were so bad that she had no option but to tell her family,” Mr Gioserano said.
He said the defendant told the police he found out his wife was involved in some way with another man. She begged for forgiveness but must have feared he would tell on her, so she turned on him first.
The trial continues.
In a recent fatwa, Sheikh Maulana Abu Sayeed, president of the Islamic Sharia Council in Britain (the UK’s largest network of Sharia courts), said the following:
“Clearly there cannot be any rape within the marriage. Maybe aggression, maybe indecent activity… Because when they got married, the understanding was that sexual intercourse was part of the marriage, so there cannot be anything against sex in marriage. Of course, if it happened without her desire, that is no good, that is not desirable.”
British Airways worker 'offered to be suicide bomber and advised terrorists of airline's weaknesses'
Bangladesh-born Karim appeared via videolink today at the Old Bailey where he pleaded not guilty to two charges of preparing for terrorism.
Each count covers the period from April 13 2006 to February 26 2010 and includes the allegation that he 'offered to be a martyr or suicide bomber'.
The first charge alleges that he engaged in conduct in preparation of terrorism, with the intention of committing acts of terrorism, including that he 'incited the giving of permission to carry out terrorist acts in the United Kingdom'.
Karim is also said to have offered to travel to Yemen or Pakistan to carry out terrorism training, and to have advised about potential recruits to commit terrorist acts in the UK.
Also among the conduct said to form part of the allegation was that he stayed in the UK long enough to obtain a British passport.
It is further claimed that he 'advised and counselled the commission of terrorist acts by providing information' on topics such as such as liquids allowances on planes, airport security and scanners, and immigration questions to travellers.
He was also said to have provided details on BA computers and their vulnerability to a physical or 'internal systems' attack to inflict financial loss.
Information was also alleged to have been provided on the opportunity to obtain cabin crew training, information, experience and aeroplane access and 'inside knowledge'.
Karim is additionally accused of giving advice about working for BA and obtaining a British passport.
The second charge alleges preparing terrorism to assist another to commit terrorist acts, which includes some claims similar to the first count, as well as the accusation that he asked for, collected and sent money for terrorism.
If your wondering how islam got the 'religion of peace and tolerance' lable, its probably this verse which calls all non-muslims the 'worst of creatures'. quran 98:06 Or all this.
Remember that the next time a politician tries to sugarcoat islam. This politically correct sugarcoating by politicians is selling out the free world each and every time.The motives of islam to exploit this very politically correct nature is so blatantly obvious its time the world woke up.
Monday, November 29, 2010
About the sheikh Mishary Rashed Alafasy

He studies at The Islamic University in Medina(KSA), College of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies and specialized in The ten readings and translation of the holy quran. He has read the quran to Sheikh Ahmed Abdulaziz Al-Zaiat born in 1325(H) in the year 1907. Read the whole quran to him Hafs-from-A'sim from Al-Shatebeya, and Sheikh Abraham Ali Shahata Al-Samanodei born in 1333(H)in the year 1915 and who read to him Sheikh Al-Hosiery and Sheikh Mohammad Sadiq Al-Menshawy and Sheikh Mustafa Ishmael and Sheikh Abdulbaset Abduls mad, and he reads to him Fatehat al Kitab and he accepted it, an oral acceptance following the acceptance of his student Sheikh Abulrafea Redwan, and he also read to Sheikh Abdurarea Radwan born in 1351(H)in the year 1932 read to him the whole quran Asm-bin-abialnojoud from Al-Shatebya.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Muslim cab driver refuses blind couple with guide dog
Doreen and Ernest Dix were refused entry to a cab parked at the pick-up point behind Stafford market last week.
The Great Haywood pensioners claim the driver did not want Blake, the current West Midlands guide dog of the year, in his cab.
This contravenes the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 2005 and can land offenders a £1,000 fine unless they certify they have a dog allergy.
Mrs Dix, 71, said this was the first time her golden retriever-labrador cross had been rejected from a taxi.
She said: "I can barely see, but saw the driver wave his hands and say 'no, no, no' as we approached his cab.
"We were both very upset and were made to feel really small, but just got the next taxi in the end.
"We're moving to Stafford soon and this is a very poor start indeed."
Eight-two-year-old Mr Dix, whose eyesight is worse than his wife's, was "appalled" by the driver's behaviour.
He said: "I've been registered blind for 28 years and have never been discriminated against by a taxi driver before this.
"If he isn't willing to pick up certain people, then he shouldn't be in a queue of taxis earmarked for shoppers.
"The driver we eventually used agreed it was appalling it made me feel like a second-class citizen."...
In recent years, there have been reports of Muslim drivers refusing the blind due to their doctrine's assertion that dogs are unclean.
However, the DDA does not consider this an excuse....
The Muslim revulsion for dogs comes from Muhammad: "Ibn Mughaffal reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) ordered killing of the dogs, and then said: What about them, i. e. about other dogs? and then granted concession (to keep) the dog for hunting and the dog for (the security) of the herd, and said: When the dog licks the utensil, wash it seven times, and rub it with earth the eighth time." -- Sahih Muslim 551
Here again, even in the West, non-Muslims must accommodate Muslim mores -- never the other way around.
Labour peer booted out of Lords claimed £40,000 AFTER expenses fiddle came to light
Lady Uddin, the first female Muslim peer, was able to pocket almost £40,000 in expenses last year even after it was revealed she had fiddled the system to claim money from the taxpayer.
In an unprecedented punishment last month, Lady Uddin was booted out of the Lords for 18 months and ordered to repay £125,000.
She claims she is now too poor to repay a penny.
Lady Uddin was exposed as a cheat on May 3 last year, after it was reported that she had never been seen at her designated ‘main home’ in Kent.
The small flat in Maidstone allowed her to claim £174 a night while she was actually living at her family home in London, provided by a housing association.
Figures published yesterday for Lords expenses reveal that Lady Uddin claimed almost £40,000 in the 12 months since April last year, including an extra £15,486 in overnight subsistence.
She took home £11,418 on ‘day subsistence’, £12,600 on office costs, £384 on travel and £29 on stamps.
She also received a free parliamentary BlackBerry.
Lady Uddin has always denied wrongdoing, but an investigation by the Lords authorities found she had deliberately exploited the system to boost her income.
Lady Uddin put the phone down yesterday when asked to comment on their expenses claims.
The revelations came as new figures showed members of the House of Lords claimed around £16million in expenses last year – an average of about £21,000 for each of the 763 peers.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
arrested for 'burning Koran at school and posting footage on facebook
The 15-year-old, who lives in the Sandwell area of Birmingham, West Mids, was filmed two weeks ago on her school premises burning the Islamic religious book.
Police have confirmed the video was reported to the school and has since been removed.
A 14-year-old boy was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of making threats.
Both have been released on police bail.
This incident comes just two and a half months after six yobs were arrested after filming themselves dousing the Muslim holy book with fuel and setting it ablaze behind a pub in Tyneside.
It is believed the young girl was allegedly filmed setting the booklet alight while other pupils watched on.
Two Facebook profiles have also been removed from the site.
It is understood that the group who published that version of the Koran have visited the school to talk to pupils.
Chief executive officer of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee, Catherine Heseltine, slammed the burning of the Koran - one of the most offensive acts to Muslims she could imagine.
She said: 'The Koran is the most sacred thing to over a billion Muslims worldwide.
'You can see that in the way Muslims treat the Koran - washing before touching it and in many Muslim homes you will find it on the top shelf above all other books.
'We will never destroy the Koranic texts. We believe it is the word of God. God’s guidance for us in this life.'
A group of men from Tyneside were arrested after posting a video of themselves kicking and burning a copy of the Koran in September this year
Cllr Bob Badham, Sandwell’s Cabinet member for children and families, revealed he has been in constant discussion with IMAN (Inclusive Muslim Action Network) about the incident.
He said: 'It’s not the first time this has happened - it’s almost like a copycat act.
'It’s very easy to just press a button to put a video online without thinking about the consequences, they are almost an afterthought.
'The girl has been arrested so it is a very delicate and serious matter.
'One of the leaders of IMAN and I have been involved with part of the consultation at the school.
'We’re all obviously working very hard behind the scenes but the school is operating as normal.'
Bob insisted the school is doing all it can to encourage pupils to try and put the incident behind them.
He added: 'The council has been working hard with a school, police and the local community to maintain harmony following the incident.
'All involved have reacted very positively and the children at the school know how serious it is. We have all pulled together.'
He added he did not believe there was a 'deeper problem' in the area.
The six yobs claimed to be 'English nationalists' and said their burning of the Muslim holy book was 'for all the people of 9/11'
In September this year, six men between the ages of 23 and 45 were arrested by police in Gateshead, Tyneside after footage of them burning the Muslim holy book while wearing tea towels around their heads was posted on YouTube.
At one point in the video, a laughing man is seen kicking what appears to be a Koran while his friends shout: ‘This is for the boys in Afghanistan. September 11, international burn a Koran day, for all the people of 9/11.'
Tracked down by the Daily Mail, the men, calling themselves ‘English nationalists’ but refusing to be identified, claimed they acted out of ‘frustration’ that there was ‘one law for Muslims’ and another law for white English people.
This recent spate of Koran burnings follows Florida pastor Terry Jones's incitement for people to burn copies of the holy book to commemorate the victims of the four suicide hijackings that left more than 3,000 dead in New York, Washington and Philadelphia.
Mr Jones eventually backed down from his threat to burn 200 copies of the Koran after he was told U.S. soldiers serving in Afghanistan would be put at greater risk by his actions.
Speaking about the latest incident in Birmingham, a spokesperson for West Midlands Police said: 'A 15-year-old girl was arrested on Friday 19 November on suspicion of inciting religious hatred. She has been bailed pending further enquiries.
'A second 14-year-old boy was arrested on Tuesday 23 November on suspicion of making threats over Facebook. He has also been bailed pending further enquiries.
'The local neighbourhood team have strong links with the school and have been working closely with key partners from the community and the local authority to resolve the matter locally.
'West Midlands Police will investigate and monitor any crime reported by individuals who may have been targeted because of their disability, gender, race religion or belief, sexual orientation or transgender.
I don't think the koran should be burned. I think it should be read. But this is a question of whether Britain will preserve the principle of the freedom of expression, or implement Sharia norms regarding reverence for the holy book of Islam. This is an example of the latter
Muslim 'fanatic' exposed as a hypocrite as he's jailed after £2.6m drug factory raid
Omar Khayam, 27, was part of a gang who aimed to flood the Bedford area with £2.6million worth of heroin.
And far from being devout, his part in the conspiracy exposes him as a hypocrite as drug dealing is expressly forbidden under Islamic law.
Controversial: Omar Khayam (centre) hit the headlines when he wore a suicide bomber's vest at a 2006 demo. He has now been convicted for his part in a plan to flood Bedford with £2.6m of heroin
In February 2006, Khayam, the son of a retired Urdu teacher, shocked the nation by dressing up as a suicide bomber - just months after the 7/7 bombings in London.
He was involved in angry protests outside the Danish Embassy in London after cartoons showing Mohammed had been published in Denmark.
Luton Crown Court was told two police officers stumbled across a heroin and cannabis factory in Ashburnam Road in Bedford on December 3 last year.
They had gone to arrest a man for an unrelated offence. He was not there but they noticed powder on the floor and objects covered by large plastic bags.
Khayam has received 13 years in prison for his part in the drugs conspiracy
Prosecutor Natalie Carter said the officers returned with colleagues seven minutes later and searched the flat. Two men that were there had escaped through a window.
They recovered 26.2kg of heroin, along with 24.5kg of caffeine and 4.5kg of paracetamol to be used as 'bash' to cut the drugs. There was also a third of a kilo of crack cocaine with a street value of £17,500 and £124,795 in cash.
Other equipment including mixing bags, scoops, scales, face masks and a hydraulic press was also seized.
The street value of the heroin, once it had been cut, was £2.6million. The haul of drugs is believed to be the largest ever seized in Bedfordshire .
Mrs Carter said: 'The men had left by a window. The heroin, bash and cash had been left behind.'
CCTV from the previous night showed men arriving at the flat with mixing bowls and the press. They were seen carrying items into the flat in plastic bags.
Three men are still at large, but Khayam's co-defendant Mohammed Arfaan, also 27, was arrested after confessing his involvement to a police officer in Cambridgeshire and handing himself into Bedfordshire officers on March 17.
Khayam was arrested in a car in Milton Keynes on May 31. He was found to be in possession of 27kg of paracetamol, but was not charged with any offence in relation to this.
Both he and Arfaan pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply Class A drugs between May 18, 2009 and June 1, 2010. One charge related to heroin and the other cocaine.
Khayam, who appeared in the dock wearing a blue Islamic hat, had previously been sentenced to eight years by a judge at Luton on March 14, 2003 for conspiracy to supply a Class A drug and possession of cocaine.
It was reduced to five and a half years on appeal due to his previous good character.
His lawyer Abbas Lakha QC said Khayam had become involved because of a drug debt he owed and was not the main organiser.
'He was beholden to others and was not at the top end.' He said the stunt outside the Danish Embassy had 'caused a considerable amount of publicity. It has affected his life for a considerable period of time.'
Arfaan's lawyer Alex Lewis said he had been drawn into the conspiracy by Khayam, who was a school friend. She said he was no more than a 'driver, helper and mechanic' in the conspiracy.
Jailing Khayam for 13 years and Arfaan for six years, Judge John Bevan QC said: 'Dealing in heroin and cocaine is an odious and pernicious trade.'
He said Khayam had dragged Arfaan, who had been a perfectly respectable man, before the court.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Respected Muslim cleric jailed after molesting 15-year-old girl who he was supposed to be teaching the Qur'an
Hafiz Rahman, 67, was paid by families to teach their children after stepping down as a respected Imam.
He went to the 15-year-old victim's home and molested her when they were left alone.
Imam: Hafiz Rahman, 67, had memorised the Qur'an and had been a respected Muslim cleric before being jailed for a year
A judge described the attack as the 'worst breach of trust imaginable' and said he believed it would have continued if the girl's father had not unexpectedly returned home.
A jury of eight men and six women at Portsmouth Crown Court took less than two hours to find Rahman guilty of sexual activity with a child.
Rahman, a former Imam at Jami Mosque in Portsmouth, Hampshire, is a Hafiz - someone who has memorised the entire Qur'an.
Judge Roger Hetherington said: 'The parents of the child came to retain your services because they understood that you were a respected and indeed revered member of the community, who had, until recently, been an Imam to the mosque.
'On the jury's verdict and on abundant evidence, for whatever reason, you took advantage of that situation for your own sexual gratification.
'It must have been a very frightening experience for that girl.
'Given your position in the Muslim community and the respect with which you were accorded as a result by the family that you were visiting, this was as bad a case of breach of trust as it is possible to imagine.
'I accept that for all your life apart from this incident you have behaved properly and you may well have done many good things to other people during your life.
'Nevertheless this was a terrible lapse on your part.'
Stephen Smyth, defending, said Rahman had lost his standing as a respected member of the community, following the attack on December 27 last year.
He said: 'This means it will be over for him and he will be deported.
'Everything goes and he has to go back to a Muslim country convicted of what he is convicted of, which will be very seriously regarded.
'He has nothing to look forward to in his life.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Terror Plotter Serves Only Three Months in Jail...
Abbas Iqbal, 24, was seized with a video of armed British jihad extremists on military manoeuvres in a park.
He and brother Ilyas, 23 - both members of the "Blackburn Resistance" in Lancs - had an arsenal of weapons at home, including air rifles, knives, machetes, a sword, a crossbow and ammunition.
Cops also found gruesome beheading videos and papers on guerrilla warfare.
At their trial in March, the court heard the Osama Bin Laden supporters had been "intoxicated by the evil of terrorism and were training for violent Jihad".
Abbas was sentenced to two years for preparing for acts of terrorism and Ilyas got 18 months for possessing terrorist literature.
But because they spent 2½ years on remand they were freed early. Abbas has been out since June 28.
A juror who convicted him said: "It's very disturbing. Abbas Iqbal was hellbent on preparing for a terror attack. I consider him a danger."
The Probation Service said people convicted of serious offences were closely supervised.
why he got put in jail
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sharia lessons for pupils aged six: BBC uncovers 'weekend schools' that teach pupils how to hack off thieves' hands
Around 5,000 children attend a network of 40 schools
Diagrams show children how to hack off hands and feet
Children in Britain are being taught brutal Sharia law punishments, including how to hack off a criminal’s hand or foot.
So-called ‘weekend schools’ for Muslim pupils as young as six also teach that the penalty for gay sex is execution and that ‘Zionists’ are plotting to take over the world for the Jews.
One set textbook challenges youngsters to list the ‘reprehensible’ qualities of Jews.
Investigation: A BBC Panorama programme has found that around 40 weekend schools are teaching Sharia law to British children as young as six
Another for six-year-olds asks them to answer what happens to someone who dies who is not a believer in Islam. The answer being looked for is ‘hellfire’.
A BBC Panorama investigation, to be screened , identified a network of more than 40 weekend schools teaching around 5,000 children, from age six to 18.
The schools – which offer the hardline Saudi National Curriculum – are run under the umbrella of ‘Saudi Students Clubs and Schools in the UK and Ireland’.
They are not state-funded, and do not use Government buildings. They are able to exploit a loophole which means weekend schools are not inspected by Ofsted.
Last night, experts at the Policy Exchange think-tank warned that similar extremists could seek to exploit the Government’s policy of giving greater freedoms from state control to free schools and academies.
They call for the establishment of a due diligence unit to check whether those applying to open the schools have an extremist background.
Current checks are largely limited to fraud, criminal convictions and funding.
Education Secretary Michael Gove, who is believed to be supportive of the idea, said he would not tolerate anti-Semitism and homophobia in English schools.
The Panorama investigation identified a book for 15-year-olds being used in the classes which teaches about Sharia law and its punishments.
It says: ‘For thieves their hands will be cut off for a first offence, and their foot for a subsequent offence.’
There are diagrams showing children where cuts must be made.
One passage says: ‘The specified punishment of the thief is cutting off his right hand at the wrist. Then it is cauterised to prevent him from bleeding to death.’
For acts of ‘sodomy’, children are told that the penalty is death and it states a difference of opinion whether this should be done by stoning, or burning with fire, or throwing over a cliff.
Panorama alleges that a building used for one of the schools, in Ealing, West London, is owned by the Saudi government .
Mr Gove told the programme: ‘I have no desire or wish to intervene in the decisions that the Saudi government makes in its own education system.
‘But I’m clear that we cannot have anti-Semitic material of any kind being used in English schools. Ofsted are doing some work in this area.
‘They’ll be reporting to me shortly about how we can ensure that part-time provision is better registered and better inspected in the future.’
The text books for 15-year-olds revive the so-called ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’, which teach that Zionists want to establish world domination for Jews.
The Saudi text books instruct pupils: ‘The Jews have tried to deny them (the Protocols) but there are many proofs of their veracity and their origin among the elders of Zion.’
The text books say the ‘main goal’ of the ‘Zionist movement’ is ‘for the Jews to have control over the world and its resources’ which, the book allege, Zionists seek to achieve partly by ‘inciting rancour and rivalry among the great powers so that they fight one another.’
Mr Gove said anyone who cites the Protocols of Zion is ‘indulging in one of the oldest and foulest anti Semitic smears that, that we know of’.
In a written response to the findings, the Saudi ambassador said the schools had nothing to do with the Saudi embassy.
It stated: ‘Any tutoring activities that may have taken place among any other group of Muslims in the United Kingdom are absolutely individual to that group and not affiliated to or endorsed by the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia.’
Referring to the lesson that tasks children to list the ‘reprehensible qualities of the Jews’, in a letter to the BBC, the Saudi ambassador said it was ‘dangerously deceptive and misleading to address such texts and discuss them out of their overall historical, cultural and linguistic contexts’.
Panorama separately claimed some Muslim private schools have expressed extreme sentiments on their school websites.
These include: ‘We need to defend our children from the forces of evil’, and ‘our children are exposed to a culture that is in opposition to almost everything Islam stands for’.
Policy Exchange says Britain’s faith and other schools are increasingly vulnerable to extremist influences.
It claims in a report that the Department for Education, Ofsted, education authorities and schools are ‘not equipped’ to meet such challenges.
Current checks for extremism are described as ‘piecemeal’.
The report adds: ‘The Government’s policy of opening up the education system to new academies and free schools programmes could be exploited unless urgent measures are taken to counter extremist influence.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Police arrest ‘husband and father-in-law after Asian woman is stabbed to death in back of car’
The 27-year-old victim bled to death on the back seat of the vehicle after the bloody attack which severed an artery was launched while she was travelling with two men, believed to be her husband and father-in-law.
Detectives found a bloodstained knife alongside the body of the young woman in the Volkswagen Passat car which was parked on the road outside the family’s semi-detached home.
Two rapid response paramedic cars and an ambulance were sent to the home of the victim in Crawley, West Sussex, but there was nothing they could do to save her
A post mortem examination revealed that the mother-of-one, who has not yet been formally identified, bled to death after her femoral artery was severed.
a 30-year-old man, arrested on suspicion of murder, was detained in a hospital secure unit under the Mental Health Act.
His father, aged 51 years, has been released on police bail to return to Crawley police station on January 25.
Police confirmed that the victim and the two men arrested were all Asian and known to each other.
Neighbours identified them as the Baig family and said that they had been celebrating Eid, the Muslim equivalent of Christmas, last night when the killing happened.
The alarm was raised when ambulance controllers and police received a 999 call from the family home in, Crawley, West Sussex.
Two paramedic rapid response cars and an ambulance were sent to the scene but there was nothing the medics could do to save the woman who had been stabbed to death.
Police from the Sussex Major Crime Team were contacted immediately by the first officers to arrive at the scene and a major murder investigation was launched.
A spokesman for Sussex Police said that two men - understood to be father and son - were arrested at the pebble-dashed house in Woodfield Road and taken to the cells at Crawley Police Station on suspicion of murder.
The Volkswagen Passat car, which was parked outside on the road, was understood to have a large quantity of blood on the seats and was taken away by police for a full-scale forensic examination.
Detective Chief Inspector Nigel Smith said: ‘This is an intricate investigation and we need to establish the exact circumstances of how this lady died.
‘We know that the attack took place in the car, while three occupants were travelling in it, which then returned to Woodford Road, from where the ambulance service was called.
‘We are advised that the nature of the injury would have resulted in her death in a matter of minutes.’
The man can be detained under section two of the Mental Health Act for 28 days.
A neighbour who asked not to be named, said that the Baig family had been celebrating Eid.
‘The father was shouting loudly and kept rushing in and out of the house. Other neighbours all came out of their homes into the street to see what all the commotion was about.
‘The father seemed very agitatated and then suddenly lots of police cars turned up,’ said the woman. When the police arrived he was outside at the police van and hitting his head while talking in a foreign language.
‘The father owns lots of properties around here and is landlord to many families. He is also a painter and decorator,’ she added.
‘There are two sons and the older one, Kashif, got married about a year-and-a-half ago. It was a really big do and the house was all done up - they were so proud.
‘The rumours are that it was his bride who has been murdered and that it was he who was arrested by the police.
Explosion in Scotland's Loch Lomond being treated as Al Qaeda bomb test
The blast, which was reported by walkers and workmen, damaged a large area of woodland on the south-west edge of the lake.
Police are believed to have found several suspicious devices at the site, which is being examined by bomb disposal officers and divers.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1331073/Remote-detonation-Explosion-Scotlands-Loch-Lomond-treated-Al-Qaeda-bomb-test.html#ixzz15qttBHGV
British Woman Convicted of 'Racist' Tirade...
Yasmin Ahmed hurled obscenities at Pc Abdus Salam when he went to arrest her friend for shoplifting, a court heard.
Somalian-born Ahmed taunted Pc Salam with racist jibes, wiggled her backside at him and spat in his face, Snaresbrook Crown Court was told.
She was taken to Kentish Town police station, north London, where she hitched up her niqab and urinated on the floor.
Ahmed, 21, of Camden, admitted racially aggravated harassment, assaulting a police officer and criminal damage in June.
She was freed on bail and will be sentenced after assessment for alcohol treatment.
Last year, Ahmed got a six-month suspended jail term for racially aggravated assault on a white couple.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Palestinian Refugees Submit four Thousand Dollars for Tsunami Victims and Merapi
"We know, this amount is nothing compared the pain being experienced by our brethren in the Mentawai and Merapi. But take this as a sign of our love. We are one body. You're sick, we take a pain, as you feel sick when I saw our pain and suffering due to Israeli occupation, "said Ziad Mahmud Said, the Palestinian coordinator of international humanitarian assistance to the Friends of Al-Aqsa by phone on Friday (30/10) night .
Ziad from Gaza who is also Director of Al-Sarraa Foundation added, the donation was a result of the deliberations between the clergy and the Palestinians, both in the Gaza Strip and in Syria.
Merry Christmas EVERYBODY: Council puts up lights for Hindus and Muslims so they don't miss out on the festive spirit
Officials are said to be anxious not to offend other faiths so they have ensured the Christmas display incorporates the other celebrations.
Philip Davies, Tory MP for Shipley, West Yorkshire, told the Daily Star: ‘I’ve no idea why local authorities up and down the country are so ashamed of celebrating Christmas.
‘All this kind of pussyfooting around is done in the name of not offending other people from other faiths.
A council spokesman said: ‘We have a varied and diverse display, representing our community.’
speaking the truth at last
This is a guest post by Andrew McCann from A Tangled Web..
"There was an interesting discussion on Radio Five Live this morning. It followed an interview with the leader of the English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Johnson. That interview came against the background of a statement from a member of the West Midlands counter-terrorism unit – John Larkin – effectively blaming the EDL for the rise in Islamic extremism here.
Personally, I wasn’t aware that the EDL was responsible for 9/11, 7/7 or the protests against our brave soldiers on Homecoming Parades. I would also like to ask Mr Larkin where the EDL equivalent exists in Australia? The fact that it doesn’t, and yet you still have incidents like this, proves Larkin’s comments are little more than dhimmified nonsense!! As was to be expected, the tone of the broadcast was the ‘poor wee Muslims’, punctuated briefly by the inclusion of the UK’s most inarticulate speakers who were supportive of the EDL.
You see folks, not only does the Left-wing media censor much of the criticism about Islam, it also carefully chooses who its allows to speak out against the‘Religion of Peace’. By permitting the inarticulate but accurate opinions of people like ‘Tommy in Plymouth’ , the BBC can claim to be honouring free speech, whilst simultaneously propagandising the narrative that only unsophisticated members of the public hold anti-Islamic sentiment. When faced with those of us who can hold our own on the air, yet fall outside that particular narrative, they don’t want to know.
I decided to give the show a call. For those who are unfamiliar with the procedure for ringing a talk show, your call is first answered by an intermediary who decides whether your comments are relayed to the programme editor for inclusion. At Five Live there are a number of intermediate ‘researchers’ who carefully vet each and every caller. Most of them are very pleasant on the phone. However, one particular guy, who shall hereafter be referred to as ‘Pompous Git’ because of his uncanny vocal resemblance to Brian Sewell sucking a mint imperial, has this uncanny knack of NEVER forwarding my opinions to the Editor. I knew as soon as he answered the phone this morning that I wouldn’t get on the air. Still, it was worth a try. So below is a transcript of the conversation I had with him, coupled with a written version of what I would have said on the radio.
The fact that I had decided to make this the theme of my ATW contribution for today shows my determination not to be silenced by the likes of the metropolitan Leftist elite at the BBC, the controllers at Squarespace, or anyone else when it comes to my opinion on the disastrous impact Islam is having on my country.
‘Good morning. This is Five Live. Can I take your name and where you are calling from, please?’
Yes, it’s Andrew calling from Halifax.’
‘What you you like to say, Andrew?’
‘I’d like to say that I cannot fathom how so many of your callers think that Islam is not the principal problem in this equation. After all, almost every single news story concerning integration into society, protests, religious-inspired violence, women’s rights, public dress code and a parallel law system involves Islam. If it is a ‘religion of peace’, how come so many incidents here and around the world create a contrary impression?’
‘So it’s purely Islam that’s to blame then? You don’t think anybody else is at fault?’
‘Not really, no….. (there then comes a derisory cackle at the other end of the line)….You don’t have Christians fighting Hindus, or Jews fighting Buddhists, or Sikhs fighting Jainists. When you look at the world’s current conflicts and realise that just about every one of them involves Islam in some way, you’ve got to ask yourself who’s really at fault. And I don’t think it is your job to laugh at my opinion just because it is probably different to yours.’
‘My job is to ask you questions’.
Indeed, but not to laugh at my answers.’
‘Well, Andrew, I’ll put your comments through and if we want to put you on air, we’ll call you back.’
‘I shan’t hold my breath’.
‘That’s the Editor’s call, not mine.’
Had I been allowed to make my call on air, written below is what I would have said. For I repeat, no pompous git at the BBC or anywhere else is going to stop me from opining about Islam:
‘Good morning, Nicky. I’d like to start by saying how refreshing it was to hear Mr Johnson’s candour in this age of political correctness and censorship of anti-Islamic opinion. I think that he is entirely right to blame both the Koran and the slavish devotion many Muslims have to every tenet of their creed for the rise in social unrest and Islamic extremism here. I’m not sure what planet Mr Larkin is living on, but it’s not the same one I, and the vast majority of people in this country, inhabit. Where was the EDL when the twin towers came down? Where was the EDL on the Tube at Aldgate station? Where was the EDL when treacherous fanatics were abusing our boys on parade in Luton last year? The EDL is a direct response to the failure of the Establishment to deal with one Muslim demand after another; a response to the failure of the Establishment to tackle one manifestation of Islamic extremism after another. Whether people at the BBC or in government like it or not, the EDL will continue to grow until such time as those demands and manifestations are halted.’
If I’m barred from expressing my view on the BBC, there’s always the power of the Internet to make amends. That’s something no pompous git or dhimmified radio editor can take away!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Five Muslim boys and white girl, all 12, excluded over Facebook death threats to classmate who supported British troops
Five Muslim boys and one white girl, all aged 12, have been disciplined following the incident.
The yobs threatened to attack terrified Darius Gill, 13, with knuckle dusters and knives in revenge for not supporting Islamic extremists.
The chilling threats came hours after Darius - whose father is Asian - posted a touching tribute to the thousands of squaddies who have lost their lives defending Britain.
One message - littered with spelling mistakes - said: 'Fight on Monday gonna be heavy knuckle dusters nd knifes hopefully I don't die.'
His friend added: 'ill bang him ma slef am a terrorist.'
One of the thugs also posted a chilling picture of himself holding a rifle.
Shockingly, other pupils - who have set up a Muslim Defence League which celebrates British deaths in Afghanistan - also added comments condemning Darius.
Fortunately Darius' mother Clare Allington read the comments on Monday morning - the day of the promised attack - and immediately pulled her son out of school.
Yesterday Clare, 42, from Coventry, said: 'I logged on and it broke my heart. I was reading all sorts about knuckle dusters, knives and death.
'They were planning to attack him at school that day so I rang the school straight away.
'I usually keep an eye on what Darius posts on Facebook.
'I have his password and usually check it every day but didn't last weekend until I was at the Warwick University campus on Monday.
'If I hadn't read the threats and pulled my son out of school he could be dead.
'They might just be school children but they are fanatical and dangerous.
The threats have to be taken seriously.
The children were excluded from the Sidney Stringer Academy in Coventry following the Facebook bullying campaign
'My son wrote supporting the British troops in Afghanistan and also said he was sad so many soldiers had died.
'The so-called Muslim Defence League which has been set up in the school by a number of pupils believe that Darius should join them in hating British soldiers.
'It's appalling and extremely upsetting for Darius.'
Shockingly, one of the thugs bragged about being quizzed by police and still threatened to attack Darius.
Principal Wendy Thomas said Facebook was an increasing concern for schools.
She said: 'Darius is the victim of bullying. All the students involved have told me they did not mean what they said but they will learn a hard lesson from this.
'Facebook is a big concern for schools and we urge all parents to monitor what their children say on the site.
'As soon as the school was notified about the comments on Monday, we interviewed the pupils.
'No weapons were found on any of the pupils. We notified the police and they are investigating the incident.'
The students attend the 1,250-pupil Sidney Stringer Academy in Coventry.
Muslim pupils make up 65 per cent of the pupils which caters for children aged 11 to 18.
Halal meat served in House of Commons without MPs being told
The Commons catering service used poultry slaughtered in accordance with Islamic law and customers were "not made aware", Sir Stuart Bell, representing the House of Commons Commission, said.
This year it emerged that halal meat was being served in many schools, hospitals and pubs without diners being told....
In a written Commons question, Tory Greg Knight asked whether Commons canteens had served halal meat in the last year. Sir Stuart replied: "It has come to the attention of the House of Commons catering service that it has unknowingly received supplies of poultry slaughtered using pre-stun halal methods."
23-year-old man" charged for "death list" blog
Bilal Zaheer Ahmad, of Dunstall, Wolverhampton, was arrested last Wednesday in connection with the website which influenced a student who tried to kill MP Stephen Timms....
He was also charged with three counts of possessing information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism under the Terrorism Act 2000.
The hit list of MPs who voted for the Iraq war was removed from the extremist website revolutionmuslim.com after the Home Office urged the US to act against it.
The post hailed the student who tried to kill Labour's Stephen Timms as a "heroine".
The site was among those cited as an influence by Roshonara Choudhry, 21, who was jailed for life earlier this month for stabbing East Ham MP Mr Timms twice in the stomach at his surgery.
He's a "man," a "23-year-old man," a man who lives in "Dunstall, Wolverhampton." And those, of course, are the details that the Telegraph considers salient in helping the reader understand why a certain "Bilal Zaheer Ahmad" decided to get involved with a hit list of British MPs. Farther down in the story we do hear, without much explanation, about a rogue website, revolutionmuslim.com, but that and this man's name are the only clues we get to what it is going on here. And so it always is with mainstream media sources: the only scenario in which they would have dared identify Bilal Zaheer Ahmad as a Muslim would have been if he helped inform on a jihad plot, not if he participated in one.
'Criminal in police uniform': Sergeant who helped run brother's drug gang jailed for 11 years
When Hafiz was locked up on remand accused of kidnapping a rival in a vicious turf war, his policeman brother plotted to help intimidate a key prosecution witness and hid a deadly cache of weapons and ammunition for him.
For those of you who do not know, the dark patch on Hafiz's forehead is a sign of piety, ony achieved by those whose prostrate regularly during prayer. This, plus the large beard, would single out this man as a pillar of Muslim society.
Razaq was jailed for 11 and a half years at Liverpool Crown Court after pleading guilty to perverting the course of justice, possession of firearms and ammunition as well as misconduct in a public office.
senior police chiefs in Lancashire said they were dismayed Razaq, a trusted officer, could have betrayed the force.
Assistant Chief Constable Andy Cooke said: ‘Salim Razaq was nothing short of a criminal in a police uniform and I am appalled by the fact that a police officer was involved at the level he was in this criminality.’
Judge Henry Globe QC, told the disgraced officer: ‘Your actions have brought potential discredit to the police force.
‘It amounts to a breach of trust, a dereliction of duty and it amounts to extremely serious and persistent criminal offending whilst ostensibly, supposedly upholding criminal justice in your capacity as a serving police officer.
‘The guns were being kept by you to return to gangs who kill, maim, intimidate and terrorise.
‘Those who provide a safe hiding place for weapons and ammunition make a significant and distinctive contribution to the use of firearms on the streets and elsewhere. A significant and lengthy sentence is justified.’
The court heard Razaq, who was stationed in Nelson, Lancashire, was regarded as a promising young officer, while his brother was becoming notorious as an enforcer for the Deepdale drugs gang in nearby Preston.
His gang was involved in a feud with the rival Fishwick mob, and in April 2007 suspected associate Mohammed Beg, 22, was snatched from his BMW by a masked gang, held captive for three hours and tortured and beaten.
Hafiz, 25, was arrested and sent to prison charged with kidnapping from where his calls to his brother Salim were secretly taped discussing money laundering, witness intimidation and a ‘tick list’ of drug deals.
Officers swooped on the sergeant’s home in March and discovered an armoury of guns and ammunition.
They found a Sten machine gun and two Uzi machine guns hidden under the stairs and 228 bullets stashed in socks and plastic bags under the garden shed, as well as a bullet-proof jacket and £72,000 in cash.
He was thrown out of the force in June after a rarely-used Special Case Hearing procedure was held to fast-track his dismissal.
In mitigation Andrew Menary QC, said: ‘Salim Razaq did not start out as a bad and corrupt police officer. But his problems and his downfall came about because of his divided loyalty.’
Lancashire Police now runs an ‘in-service’ vetting programme so officers were routinely checked to highlight any cause for concern with family members.
His brother, who is already serving a six-year prison term for kidnap, was jailed for three and a half years to run consecutively for perverting the course of justice and conspiracy to transfer criminal property.
The brother’s mother Gulshan Razaq, 58, was given a suspended sentence and a three month curfew for perverting the course of justice.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Jailed hate preacher Abu Hamza's home has a £40,000 makeover... paid by taxpayers
it is the second time in only five years that council bosses have approved expensive renovations on the property where the hook-handed cleric’s wife and eight children live supported by benefits worth nearly £700 a week.
Officially, the latest work is to underpin the property’s foundations after an engineer warned of subsidence.
The front has been painted an elegant cream and white to match neighbouring properties and parts of the interior have also been touched up.
Workmen have cleared the drainpipes, cleaned windows, restored the window fittings and installed loft insulation.
Builders have injected concrete to the foundations and mended cracks in the walls to secure the property.
Hamza’s family live in the only council property in the street in Shepherd’s Bush, an area popular with bankers and City lawyers.
Former Cabinet Minister John Hutton lived next door to the cleric’s family before putting his property on the market for £1million in June 2007.
The full cost of the work on Hamza’s house has yet to be calculated, but the bill for underpinning homes of that size can be £30,000. The extra work adds around £10,000.
It follows a taxpayer-funded £25,000 refurbishment of the home in 2005 which included a new bathroom and kitchen.
One neighbour, who did not wish to be named, said: ‘People who abuse the system shouldn’t be able to keep their benefits. If you’ve been convicted of crimes, you shouldn’t be subsidised by hard-working people.’
Hate cleric on the run after life sentence for training terrorists
Hamza, 52, never officially lived in the home, which his Moroccan-born wife Najat Chaffe, 49, moved into in 1995 after claiming they had separated.
But neighbours said he was often seen at the house until his arrest, in August 2004, for incitement to murder and racial hatred. In 2006 he was jailed for seven years.
Hamza is currently in Belmarsh Prison and faces U.S. attempts to extradite him over allegations he tried to set up a jihadi training camp in Oregon.
On his release, the cleric cannot be deported to his country of birth, Egypt, after a court last week allowed him to keep his British passport, to protect his human rights.
If he also wins his fight against extradition, which is due at the European Court of Human Rights in months, ministers will have no choice but to allow him to live in Britain.
All the Hamza children are British-born, meaning they are entitled to support from the state, which would continue even if Hamza is extradited.
At one time, the family received a weekly income of £351 in dependant children’s allowance, £97 child benefit, £56 lone parent allowance and a £16 family premium.
The rent of £120 per week and council tax of £42 per week were also paid by the taxpayer.
Hammersmith and Fulham Council said last night: ‘We are housing this family only because they are estranged from Abu Hamza.
‘He has never been a tenant at this address and if he were ever to move in it would be grounds for eviction of the family.
‘The house is one of a scarce supply of large family homes and we, of course, have to do repairs and look after the property for future tenants.’
Friday, November 12, 2010
British Airman in Uniform Denied Cab Service...
The 24-year-old serviceman who had been at a family wedding ceremony in his RAF "blues" was turned away from the black cab by the driver who apparently became aggressive.
Sheffield City Council, the RAF and the local taxi association are now inves
tigating amid calls for the driver to be sacked.
Vince McDonagh of the local joint ex-servicemen's association said: "Everybody is astounded that a British taxi can turn away someone in uniform at this time of year.
"Taxis should be bound by the rules of the licensing authority and I think they should locate this driver and take his badge away.
"It makes you angry and disgusted. They are fighting for their country and it is a kick in the teeth for them.
"The incident happened last Saturday after Kevin Burke's daughter got married at Sheffield Register Office
.Mr Burke, 46, a part-time lecturer from Sheffield, did not want to reveal his son's name who is from the city but is based in Scotland, for security reasons.
But he said he wants the authorities to take action.
He said: "My wife and my son went to get a taxi near the town hall after the ceremony to go on to the reception.
"When the cab pulled up they were about to get in when the driver said he wasn't letting my son in because he was in uniform.
"My wife asked him for a reason and the driver became quite aggressive in turning them down.
He made it quite clear it was because my son was in the forces.
"Being a professional my son just turned his back and walked away and they hailed a private taxi to get to the reception
"It is totally disgusting.
The driver did not give an opinion but made it apparent he did not like servicemen.
"If you are providing a public service you should not refuse people like my son.
He is fighting for his country after all.
"Even the local taxi drivers are incensed at what happened.
A spokesman for the local black cab drivers said: "It is not needed.
These servicemen and women protect our way of life. They put their lives at risk for this nation.
To be treated like that is unbelievable
"Sheffield City Council said: "On the face of it is disappointing and disheartening."
Thursday, November 11, 2010
"Like a scene from a horror film": Shi'ites cut their heads for Ashura in Britain
The Sunday Express found that up to 800 men performed the bloody ceremony in secret at the Imamia Mosque in Forest Gate, east London, last year.
The Matam takes place during the annual Shia Ashura ceremony and commemorates the death of Husayn, a grandson of the Muhammad.
A spokesman said: "If it is on private property and no offence is being committed this is not a matter for the police.
Newham Council said it had no knowledge of the Matam taking place and the Ministry of Justice said self-flagellation was not an offence.
Poppy-burning Muslim protesters mar Armistice Day commemorations as millions fall silent to remember war dead
As millions of Britons fell silent to remember those who have died in war, members of a group called Muslims Against Crusades clashed with police during an 'emergency demonstration' in Kensington, west London.
As the clock struck 11am, the Islamic protesters burned a model of a poppy and chanted 'British soldiers burn in hell'.
The Muslims Against Crusades website includes graphic images of children wounded in warfare and the torture of detainees at Abu Ghraib.
Three men were arrested at the scene - two for public order offences and one for assaulting a police officer.
'We find it disgusting that innocent people, innocent children, have been killed in an illegal and unjust war and we are demonstrating against that.
'We want the Government to pull the troops out from these countries and to stop interfering in our affairs.'
Mr Ullah added: 'We would like to have a protest closer to the memorial but it is difficult to get access. We want to break the silence and say, "What about the silence for others that have died?'"
Earlier this year, members of the group were involved in violent clashes with far-Right groups during a troop march in Barking, east London.
A series of incendiary comments were posted on a social networking website linked to the English Defence League.
Some members pledged to attend while others showered the Islamic group with abuse and criticised police for allowing the demonstration to take place.
The protesters were even given a police escort to their protest venue near the Victoria and Albert Museum in Kensington, thankfully the closest they were allowed to the focal point of Britain’s remembrance tribute yesterday.
English Defence League protester Clive Donnellan, 49, a construction manager said: 'The MAC could have chosen a more sensitive day to protest.
They are preaching hate and although it's great to have free speech this shouldn't be happening today. They can come down any other day and say what they think.'
It is understood the event took place in Kensington because it is outside a protected zone around Parliament where spontaneous protests are banned.
Police were questioning people they suspected were preparing to travel to Kensington after arriving at Victoria Station.
It is thought Muslims Against Crusades is a splinter group of Islam4UK, founded by Anjem Choudary.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Islam Channel censured by Ofcom
Five programmes broadcast on the satellite TV channel were ruled to be in breach of broadcasting guidelines, the media regulator said today. Ofcom launched its investigation into the programmes, which aired in 2008 and 2009, following a report by the Quilliam thinktank that was published in March.
In a programme first broadcast in April last year, Ofcom ruled that the Islam Channel host Nazreen Nawaz condoned marital rape when she said: "And really the idea that a woman cannot refuse her husband's relations this is not strange to a Muslim because it is part of maintaining that strong marriage.
But it shouldn't be such a big problem where the man feels he has to force himself upon the woman."
The channel also broke the broadcasting code by encouraging violence against women, in a Q&A session on marital violence, and for labelling women who wore perfume "prostitutes".
The broadcaster, which was fined £30,000 by Ofcom in 2007 for a series of breaches, also broke impartiality regulations for broadcasting one-sided coverage of international affairs and the Middle East conflict.
"Ofcom remains concerned about Islam Channel's understanding and compliance processes in relation to the [broadcasting] code," the media regulator said.
"This is particularly the case, given that the Islam Channel has previously been fined for breaches of the code relating to due impartiality."
Ofcom is so concerned it has called in the management from Islam Channel for a top-level meeting to explain and discuss its compliance processes in relation to the code.
Talal Rajab, author of the original Quilliam report into Islam Channel, added: "At the same time, there are encouraging signs that the channel is now making efforts to improve its output and to give greater airtime to a wider range of more mainstream Muslim voices.
We stand ready to help Islam Channel further improve and diversify its output in order to avoid further problems. The Islam Channel could yet become a powerful voice for greater social harmony."
The report published in March by the Quilliam thinktank had found that Islam Channel regularly promoted violent extremist views and regressive attitudes towards women.
The foundation monitored the channel's output over a three-month period and a published a report in March claiming that Islam Channel was implicit in spreading "reactionary, intolerant messages".
Following the report, Ofcom requested recordings of a number of Islam Channel programmes citing the allegations raised potential issues under the broadcasting code regarding impartiality and harm and offence.
In a submission to the Ofcom report, Islam Channel said that it "does not condone or encourage violence towards women under any circumstances", and that it "does not condone or encourage marital rape".
Ofcom considered that the presenter at the time was clear that some form of physical punishment towards a woman was acceptable, in contrast to the channel's formal position.
Hate preacher Abu Hamza wins human rights bid to stop British government stripping him of UK passport
The radical cleric argued that such a move would render him 'stateless' as he had already been stripped of his Egyptian citizenship.
Delivering its 12-page ruling today, the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac) allowed his appeal.
The hook-handed cleric, who acquired a British passport through marriage, is serving seven years in maximum security Belmarsh Prison after being convicted for inciting murder and racial hatred in 2006.
The Home Office sought to remove the British citizenship he received in 1986 so he could be deported.
In his ruling, Mr Justice Mitting said: 'We are satisfied on balance of probabilities that if a deprivation order were to be made, the appellant (Hamza) would be made stateless.
'The conclusions which we have reached in the closed judgment supplement, but do not contradict, that conclusion.
'Accordingly, this appeal is allowed.'
But the 52-year-old used a high-powered team of lawyers - funded by the taxpayer - to successfully argue his case.
A leading QC and team of lawyers all acted for Hamza, along with a special advocate appointed by the court.
Hamza's QC Ed Fitzgerald has represented clients including Moors Murderer Myra Hindley and the killer of James Bulger, Jon Venables.
Hamza claimed that he is no longer considered a citizen by Egypt, so taking away his UK nationality would leave him 'stateless' in contravention of Human Rights law.
At a three-day hearing in London last month lawyers representing him claimed that Egypt has officially cut ties with their client.
Even if authorities in the North African country had not followed all procedures required there to remove his nationality, they have still behaved in such a way as to leave him as solely a British citizen, it was argued.
Hamza, a former preacher at Finsbury Park mosque in North London is also battling extradition to the U.S. on terror charges in a separate legal fight at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
That case was delayed by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in July, which called for further submissions over the length of his sentence and the conditions he would experience if extradited to ADX Florence, a so-called 'supermax' prison in Fremont County, Colorado.
If he wins the government will have no option but to let him out to live in Britain.
Attempts to take his passport away were launched in 2003 but delayed by other legal actions against him.
The commission heard Hamza may have had his Egyptian nationality revoked but the country's government would not confirm whether he had or not.
The cleric came to Britain on a student visa and acquired a British passport through marriage.
He was denied an Egyptian passport in 1982 because he had not undertaken military service, the panel heard, but a decree in 1988 allowed him his citizenship back.
But Egyptian law expert Sabah Al-Mukhtar, appearing as a witness for Hamza's legal team, told the commission it was possible he had been stripped of his nationality later on for other reasons.
He said by refusing Hamza a passport the Egyptian government was giving a 'de facto' denial of his nationality.
The panel heard that under Egyptian nationality laws, a citizen cannot obtain a foreign nationality without government permission.
If they do, that nationality may not be recognised by the Egyptian government.
And Mr Al-Mukhtar said his interpretation of the law was if an Egyptian obtained a foreign nationality without permission, they would be stripped of their Egyptian citizenship.
He said: 'There must be a sanction. That could be one of two things - either to treat the acquired nationality as invalid or to lose the original nationality - otherwise it becomes a meaningless provision.'
But the expert admitted some of his report was based on speculation as well as Egyptian law.
James Strachan, for the Home Office, said Mr Al-Mukhtar's interpretation was a 'fundamental disagreement' with their own expert's evidence.
He said Hamza had travelled to Egypt using a British passport and had been granted a visa to visit the country.
'None of these events require or mean that he has been stripped of Egyptian nationality,' he said.
'The 1988 decree demonstrates conclusively that in fact the appellant was granted permission to obtain British nationality and to retain his Egyptian nationality.'
The panel heard decisions of people having their nationality taken from them were usually published in the country's Official Gazette.
Mr Justice Mitting ruled it was unclear whether Hamza was stripped of his Egyptian nationality before or after the then-home secretary David Blunkett gave notice of his intention to strip the radical cleric of his British citizenship on April 4 2003.
But he said the panel heard from experts who 'had very good grounds for believing, and did believe, that a decree had been issued, probably unpublished, which effectively stripped the appellant (Hamza) of his (Egyptian) nationality'.
Mr Justice Mitting went on: 'All that we can be satisfied about, on balance of probabilities, is that a decree has been issued and that its effect is to deprive the appellant of Egyptian nationality.
'It is immaterial that the decree was almost certainly issued after the then secretary of state gave notice of his intention to deprive the appellant of his British citizenship on April 4 2003.
'Because the secretary of state cannot make a deprivation order until his appeal has been determined, Siac must take into account all relevant facts and circumstances, whether they occurred before or after notice was given.
british Muslim lawyer makes 4.5 million pounds defending terrorists
Freed Islamic terrorists face new controls as 46 prepare for prison release
The curbs have been introduced by ministers who are concerned about the release or impending release of a ‘significant’ number of extremists.
Restrictions are understood to include a ban on using computers, visiting certain mosques, associating with imams who are not approved by the Government and not associating with known criminals.
Ministers will apply the curbs to at least 20 convicted terrorists who have been freed from jail this year as well as 26 eligible for release within the next two years.
One of those recently eligible to be freed is Abu Bakr Mansha, who was jailed for plotting to kill a British soldier.
Probation officers have been given a catalogue of restrictions that can apply to terrorists freed on licence.
The restricted document, has been drafted by the Ministry of Justice and is entitled, The Management of Critical Public Protection Cases and Terrorist or Terrorist Related Offenders.
It states: ‘There is now a small but significant number of terrorists being held in custody or managed on licence.
‘This instruction ensures that processes to manage offenders who pose a risk of harm to the public or whose cases pose complex management issues are effectively configured to meet the challenges of managing terrorist offenders.’
Some estimates show there are more than 100 convicted Islamic terrorists in the UK prison system.
But according to the Royal United Services Institute, 800 Muslims have been radicalised while in prison and could present a danger to the public when they are released.
Among those eligible to be freed over the past two years was Khalid Khaliq, who associated with the 7/7 bombers and was jailed for possessing documents useful for terrorism.
The document also expresses concern that released terrorists may try to seek work which puts them in contact with people who may be vulnerable to their ideas.
It states: ‘Some released offenders may express an interest in working in the field of “deradicalisation” or in other roles which may involve direct or indirect contact with vulnerable individuals.’
Like other offenders, terrorists are considered for release after carrying out half of their sentence. When they are freed, they are put on licence, which means that they must return to jail if they break certain restrictions.
The document, leaked to the Daily Telegraph, also warns probation officers not to become targets of manipulation when dealing with terrorist offenders.
It states: ‘[They] have been known to use techniques of collusion, manipulation and duress in their relationships with front line staff. Offender managers’ potential influence on release dates could theoretically make them targets for coercion of various kinds.’
The Ministry of Justice said: ‘It is entirely right and proper that the National Offender Management Service puts in place appropriate and robust licence conditions for those released under probation supervision, particularly serious and violent offenders.
Report Praises Islamic Schools Which Oppose Western Lifestyle
An investigation by The Sunday Telegraph has established that the education watchdog has published positive reports praising Muslim schools for their contribution to community cohesion — even in the case of a school which openly states that Muslims “oppose the lifestyle of the West”.
The OFSTED inspector responsible for many of the reports, Michele Messaoudi, has been accused of having links to radical Islamist organizations.
This newspaper can reveal that another recent OFSTED inspector, Akram Khan-Cheema, is the chief executive of a radical Muslim educational foundation, IBERR. Its website describes Islamic schools as “one of the most important factors which protect Muslim children from the onslaught of Euro-centrism, homosexuality, racism, and secular traditions”.
OFSTED has also passed the inspection of dozens of Muslim schools to a new private “faith schools watchdog”, the Bridge Schools Inspectorate, which is co-controlled by Islamic schools’ own lobbying and trade body, the Association of Muslim Schools.
The Bridge Schools Inspectorate allows Muslim head teachers to inspect each other’s schools. Among the schools directly inspected by OFSTED was the Madani Girls’ School, a private Islamic school in London’s East End.
OFSTED report, written by Mrs. Messaoudi, said it made pupils “aware of their future role as proactive young British Muslim women” and left them “well-prepared for life in a multicultural society”.
However, the Madani Girls’ School’s own website openly states: “If we oppose the lifestyle of the West, then it does not seem sensible that the teachers and the system which represents that lifestyle should educate our children.
” It says that under western education “our children will distance themselves from Islam until there is nothing left but their beautiful names.
Last month,a newspaper revealed how girls at the school were being forced to wear the Islamic veil, a fact that was not mentioned in its 2008 OFSTED report.
The Madani School declined to comment last night.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
FPI Volunteers bring to the Merapi and the Mentawai
Thursday, October 28, 2010 11:33 Dwi Hardianto
Disaster disaster that occurred in the Mentawai and Merapi resulted in many casualties, hundreds of people became victims not to mention Maridjan mbah caretaker. Grief is fel
"We opened the relief center and volunteers for the 3 locations, namely for the Tsunami disaster in the Mentawai, Merapi volcano disaster in Yogyakarta and Flood alert in Jakarta," said FPI Disaster Preparedness Coordinator, Ustadz Mamam.
Ustadz Maman added, more than 300 members of FPI Jogjakarta DPD has plunged to send aid and help evacuate victims, as well as cleaning the dust in the mosques. In addition, immediately following the volunteers and the assistance of the FPI region Tasikmalaya, West said, and DKI Jakarta.
For victims of the Tsunami disaster in the Mentawai, FPI also sent volunteers to evacuate the bodies. "Members of the DPD FPI FPI North Sumatra and Pekanbaru already coordinating with the center for disaster response in the Mentawai," added Ustadz Mamam.
Command Post of disaster preparedness was also opened at the headquarters of FPI Petamburan, humanitarian donations can be delivered directly to the posts at headquarters Petamburan FPI, or Islamic Defenders Front Humanity Account Bank Syariah Mandiri norek. 009.11111.10.
In the near future, FPI immediately reduce the coordination team from the center to the disaster site. "Hopefully we immediately dispatched a team from the center to be dispatched tomorrow Friday (29/10)". Ust said Maman. (Daniel)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
'Sexual predators': Gang of Asian men weep as they are jailed for total of 32 years for abusing white girls as young as 12
The five men preyed on their victims over several months and threatened them with violence if they refused their advances.
One of the men branded his victim a ‘white bitch’ when she resisted, while a second smirked: ‘I’ve used you and abused you.
The men, all British-born Pakistanis, attacked the four girls in play areas, parks and in the back of their cars, Sheffield Crown Court heard.
They gave them gifts and introduced them to their friends. The girls were abused so frequently that after many months it ‘became a way of life’.
The girls, who were being monitored by social services, were eventually rescued by police and removed from their homes amid growing concerns for their safety.
Two of the men wept in the dock yesterday as they were jailed.
Judge Peter Kelson QC told them: ‘I’ve listened to the backdrop of some of you sobbing – I have to say your weeping cuts no ice with me at all.
‘You had what you regarded as your fun, now you will take your punishment.’
The five, Umar Razaq, 24, Razwan Razaq, 30, Zafran Ramzan, 21, Adil Hussain, 20, and Mohsin Khan, 21, were found guilty of a string of sexually related offences against the girls, one aged 12, two aged 13 and one aged 16.
Ramzan was found guilty of raping the 16-year-old girl in her own home, and the other four were found guilty of sexual activity with a child.
Umar Razaq was jailed for four and a half years, while the judge gave Razwan Razaq 11 years.
Ramzan was jailed for nine years, and Hussain and Khan both received four years. All five were placed on the sex offenders register. Three further men were cleared.
The attacks took place in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, during 2008, the court was told. Khan, a mortgage adviser who owned a BMW, described his victim as a ‘little stick’ who looked as if she had not reached puberty.
Despite this he told her he loved her and would spoil her like a ‘princess’.
During the seven-week trial the jury were told how the men drove around the streets looking for girls.
On one occasion Umar Razaq tried to pull the clothes off one of the 13-year-olds.
When she resisted he pulled her hair and called her a ‘white bitch’.
On another occasion Umar introduced the girl to his brother Razwan who had sex with her in his car.
Afterwards he told her: ‘I’ve used you and abused you.’
The authorities were alerted after some changes were noted in the behaviour of the victims and they were removed from their homes.
Joyce Thacker, director of Rotherham’s children and young people’s services, said the girls were under child protection plans following family breakdowns or other issues with their behaviour.
‘When we pieced together a map of what was happening we stepped in very quickly to move these girls to a place of safety outside Rotherham,’ she said.
‘It started off as a grooming exercise by the men who became friendly with the girls, gave them gifts and introduced them to their friends.
‘It was very dangerous. The girls could have faced death if the men weren’t getting what they wanted.’
She said the girls’ parents bore some of the responsibility but they were in a difficult position and at a loss to do something about their children’s ‘alternative’ lifestyle.
Detective Sergeant Dave Walker, who led the inquiry, said: ‘One was only 12 when she met one of the men and started smoking cannabis and drinking and coming in late at night.
‘As it escalated the defendants were becoming more aggressive to the girls.
‘We basically have a group of young men who think it is all right to abuse young girls and they just groomed them and isolated them from their families.’
All four girls are now back in mainstream education. The three youngest are taking GCSEs and the eldest is at college.
Mr Walker added: ‘We don’t know what the future holds for them but it will be a lot better than it was.
In reviewing the above searches you will find that the vast majority - if not 100% - use the word 'Asian' in regards to China, Japan, Malaysia, etc.
The same countries and people that we all think of when reading the word 'Asian'. So clearly muslims do not refer to themselves as 'Asian'.
Isn't it time that British newspapers stop treating their readers like a bunch of dopes?