Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ustadz Yazid Jawas - Manajemen Qolbu.mp3

Ustadz Yazid Jawas - Manajemen Qolbu.mp3
Ustadz Yazid Jawas - Manajemen Qolbu.mp3

Renungan: Jangan Takut Menghadapi Hidup

Orang yang menghadapi keberanian menghadapi resiko
kebanyakan hidupnyatenang dan tidak dihantui rasa was-was, khawatir, dan cemas.
Mereka menyadari bahwa hidup
memang selalu dihadapkan pada masalah yang di belakangnya penuh dengan resiko.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Murottal Dan Terjemahan Al Qur'an Surah Ali 'Imran Ayat 1-91.mp3

direct atau via 4shared

Murottal Dan Terjemahan Al Qur'an Surah Al-Fatihah.mp3

direct atau via 4shared

Koleksi Terbaru Qirani

Koleksi Terbaru Qirani

Koleksi Terbaru Qirani

Model Terbaru Qirani

Koleksi Terbaru Qirani

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cheap abayas and very beautiful !!!

salam aleikum

I want to share my good experience shopping online ..
This is my favorite store on the net

I ordered from them 3 times so far and all of the items were great ... They have really nice and unexpencive abayas and tunics ,in different colors .. They recently updated their website with some new clothes ,and its really beautiful ... Another good thing about them is that you can choose your length and add matching hijab for abaya if you like...

They have really nice cotton tunics in lots of colors , and they start only from $ 9.99 ,12.99 and up .. Regarding shipping ,I never had any problems .From my understanding items are shipped from India ,but a year ago when I ordered before they used to be shipped from New York ,I think..

When you order it says that shipping takes 12-14 days ,but all my orders I received with 8-9 days ,and the last one was shipped from India and I received it on the 8th day of purchase ...
I really recommend them and these are some abays I have bought and really like ...


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ustadz Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal - Amalan di Bulan Rajab.mp3

Terkadang manusia ingin melakukan yang terbaik di dalam beribadah kepada Allah Ta’ala, namun tanpa disadari perbuatan tersebut jauh dari apa yang diinginkan oleh Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Salah satunya amalan keta’atan di bulan Rajab.

Pada kajian kali ini menghadirkan penjelasan tentang bulan Rajab, amalan yang sesuai tuntunan Allah dan Rasul-Nya, serta keutamaan beramal di bulan Rajab disertai tanya jawab ringkas. Semoga Allah memudahkan kaum muslimin untuk beramal yang benar di bulan Rajab dan bulan-bulan lainnya, aamiin.
Ustadz Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal - Amalan di Bulan Rajab.mp3

Renungan: Manfaatkan Waktu Hidup

Nilai kehidupan bukan diukur dari seberapa lama kita hidup,
tetapi diukur dari seberapa efektifnya kita memanfaatkan hidup.
Efektivitas waktu dalam hidup apabila kita bukan hanya memahami gerak
hidup, tetapi mampu memahami makna hidup.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Koleksi Manet "Living In Style"

Manet Busana Muslim 1348
Rp. 219.900,-
Blus rajut berbahan acrylic
dengan design modern,
aplikasi payet kupu-kupu
dan ikat pinggang, nyaman
dipakai untuk suasana semi formal
dan santai.

Koleksi Manet "Living In Style"

Manet Busana Muslim 2119
Rp. 289.900,-
Setelan motif small flowers
dengan kombinasi satin aksen
pita dan lipit sebagai penambah
keindahan, cocok untuk acara
resmi/ formal.

Koleksi Manet "Living In Style"

Manet 3050
Rp. 315.900
Gamis berbahan katun
motif bunga bunga kecil
dengan kombinasi satin
di permanis tangan berkasen

Abdul Muhsin Al Qasim - Cara Praktis Menghafal Quran.pdf

Abdul Muhsin Al Qasim - Cara Praktis Menghafal Quran.pdf
Download Ebook: Abdul Muhsin Al Qasim - Cara Praktis Menghafal Quran.pdf

Sheikh al-Islam Ibnu Taimiyyah - Doa Dan Zikir Nabawi .pdf

Download Sheikh al-Islam Ibnu Taimiyyah - Doa Dan Zikir Nabawi .pdf

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ahmad Saud - Al Buruj.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Buruj.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Buruj.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Ath Thoriq.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Ath Thoriq.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Ath Thoriq.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al A'la.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al A'la.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Ghasyiyah.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Ghasyiyah.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Ghasyiyah.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Fajr.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Fajr.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Fajr.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Balad.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Balad.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Balad.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Asy Syams.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Asy Syams.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Asy Syams.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Lail.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Lail.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Lail.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Adh Duha.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Adh Duha.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Adh Duha.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Insyiroh.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Insyiroh.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Insyiroh.mp3

Ahmad Saud - At Tiin.mp3

Ahmad Saud - At Tiin.mp3
Ahmad Saud - At Tiin.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Alaq.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Alaq.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Alaq.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Qadr.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Qadr.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Qadr.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Bayyinah.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Bayyinah.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Bayyinah.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Az Zalzalah.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Az Zalzalah.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Az Zalzalah.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Adiyaat.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Adiyaat.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Adiyaat.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Qariah.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Qariah.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Qariah.mp3

Ahmad Saud - At Takatsur.mp3

Ahmad Saud - At Takatsur.mp3
Ahmad Saud - At Takatsur.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Ashr.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Ashr.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Ashr.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Humazah.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Humazah.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Humazah.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Fiil.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Fiil.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Fiil.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Quraisy.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Quraisy.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Quraisy.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Ma'un.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Ma'un.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Ma'un.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Kautsar.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Kautsar.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Kautsar.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Kafirun.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Kafirun.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Kafirun.mp3

Ahmad Saud - An Nashr.mp3

Ahmad Saud - An Nashr.mp3
Ahmad Saud - An Nashr.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Lahab.mp3

Ahmad Saud - Al Lahab.mp3
Ahmad Saud - Al Lahab.mp3