Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Arrogance spread disdain Reaping

Still prism of a string of advice Luqman Al-Hakim to his son. Toward the end of his advice, Luqman forbids his son from being arrogant and ordered him to humble himself (tawadhu '). Luqman said to his son:

ولا تصعر خدك للناس ولا تمش في الأرض مرحا إن الله لا يحب كل مختال فخور

"And do not you turn your face from humans (for pride), and do not walk with dignity. Truly Allah loveth not the proud and arrogant. "(Luqman: 18)

Luqman forbids such turning surly face and to others as arrogant and felt great, banned from walking with a proud, proud of the good that is in him and forget the Essence that gives pleasure, and admiration for myself. Because God does not like any of the proud with the situation and being arrogant with his words. (Karimir Rahman Taisirul things. 649)

In another verse Allah forbids k also:

ولا تمش في الأرض مرحا إنك لن تخرق الأرض ولن تبلغ الجبال طولا

"And do not walk the earth with pride, because you really will not be able to penetrate the earth and will not reach as high as mountains." (Al-Israa `: 37)

Thus, someone with ketakaburannya not be able to achieve all that. Even he would be a humiliation before God k and degraded in the presence of men, despised, and wrath. He had undergone the worst character and lowest without reaching what he wants. (Taisirul Karimir Rahman, pp. 458)

Humiliation. This was harvested by the proud. He's not going to get what he expected in the world and the Hereafter.

'Amr ibn Shu'ayb narrated from his father from his grandfather of the Prophet n:

يحشر المتكبرون يوم القيامة أمثال الذر في صورة الرجال, يغشاهم الذل من كل مكان, يساقون إلى سجن من جهنم يسمى بولس, تغلوهم نار من الأنيار, ويسقون من عصارة أهل النار طينة الخبال

"People are proud collected on the Day of Resurrection like little ants in human form, overwhelmed by shame from every direction, led to a prison in Hell called Bulas, engulfed by the fire and given a drink of lemon inhabitants of hell, thinatul khabal.1 "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, dihasankan by Ash-Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh al t-Adabul simplex no. 434)

Even an arrogant threatened with the wrath of God k. Thus we find that the Messenger of n, as presented by a noble Companions, 'Abdullah bin' Umar c:

من تعظم في نفسه أو اختال في مشيته لقي الله عز وجل وهو عليه غضبان

"Anyone who feels proud of himself or arrogant in the way, he will meet God in a state k of God's wrath against him." (Narrated by Ahmad, dishahihkan by ash-Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh al t-Adabul simplex no. 427)

Arrogance (kibr) in people who are not happy with the beauty. However, arrogance is against the religion of Allah and lowered k servants of God k. Thus described by the Messenger of n when he was asked by 'Abdullah bin' Umar c, "Is it arrogant if someone has hullah2 wearing?" N He replied, "Not." "Is if someone has a good two-shoes with a strap sandals good? "" Not. "" Is when someone has driven the animals ride? "" Not. "" Is when a person has friends who used to sit with him? "" Not. "" O Messenger of Allah, then what is the arrogance that? " n then he said:

سفه الحق وغمط الناس

"Underestimating the truth and humble man." (Narrated by Ahmad, dishahihkan by Ash-Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh al t-Adabul simplex no. 426)

Not the least of Allah n opportunity for someone to be arrogant. In fact, he always ordered n tawadhu '. 'Iyadh bin Himar z n said that the Messenger of Allah said:

إن الله أوحى إلي أن تواضعوا حتى لا يفخر أحد على أحد ولا يبغي أحد على أحد

"Surely God revealed to me that you should be tawadhu 'till no one boast over the other and no one did exceed the limits of others." (Narrated by Muslim, no. 2865)

In contrast to the arrogant, those who decorated with tawadhu 'will reach the glory of Allah k, as presented by the noble Companions, Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of n z said:

وما تواضع أحد لله إلا رفعه الله

"And it is not someone being tawadhu 'for God, but God will lift." (Narrated by Muslim, no. 2588)

Tawadhu 'because God k there are two meanings. First, humbled himself to the religion of Allah, so do not haughty and arrogant against this religion and to perform its laws. Second, lowered himself to the servants of God because God k k, not because of fear of them, or expecting something in them, but simply because God k. Both meanings are true.

When one humbles himself for Allah k, then Allah will lift k in the world and the Hereafter. This is something that can be witnessed in this life. Someone who humbles himself will occupy a high position in the sight of men, would mention his kindness, and will be loved by humans. (Sharh Riyadhish Righteous, 1 / 365)

Not only limited to mere order, the stories in the Prophet's life n many ketawadhu'an he describes. N He is a most noble man in the face of God k. However, he rejected calls for his excessive. That is narrated by Anas Ibn Malik z when people said to the Prophet n, "O best among us, children of the best of us! O our lord, our lord son! "N He said:

يا أيها الناس عليكم بقولكم ولا يستهوينكم الشيطان, إني لا أريد أن ترفعوني فوق منزلتي التي أنزلنيه الله تعالى, أنا محمد بن عبد الله عبده ورسوله

"O people, be careful with your words, not until you dijerumuskan by the devil. Actually I do not want you to take me on the position given by the Almighty for me. I was Muhammad ibn 'Abdillah, His servant and His messenger. "(Narrated by An-Nasa` i in the' Yaum wal Amalul Lailah, said in Saheeh al-Musnad Ash-Ash-fi Syamail Muhammadiyah no. 786: hadeeth according to the requirements Muslim)

Z Anas bin Malik relates:

كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يزور الأنصار فيسلم على صبيانهم ويمسح برؤوسهم ويدعو لهم

"The Messenger of n ordinary people visited Ansar, then say hello to their children, rubbing their heads and pray." (Reported by An. Nasa `i, said in Saheeh al-Musnad Ash-Ash-fi Syamail Muhammadiyah no. 796: hadith hasan)

N Ketawadhu'an Messenger has become a real picture of the model by the Companions. Anas bin Malik z never passed the kids, then he said good-bye to them. N He said:

كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يفعله

"The Prophet used to do this n that." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 6247 and Muslim no. 2168)

Greetings to the children was done by the Prophet n and followed by his Companions g. This is the attitude tawadhu 'and good morals, and including education and good teaching, and counseling and guidance to children, because children are being greeted when they will get used to it and become something that is embedded in their soul . (Sharh Riyadhish Righteous, 1/366-367)

've Also Rifa'ah Tamim ibn Abu Usaid zmenuturkan an event which provides an n ketawadhu'an Prophet and affection and love for him against the Muslims:

انتهيت إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو يخطب, فقلت: يا رسول الله, رجل غريب جاء يسأل عن دينه لا يدري ما دينه? فأقبل علي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وترك خطبته حتى انتهى إلي فأتي بكرسي, فقعد عليه, وجعل يعلمني مما علمه الله, ثم أتى خطبته فأتم آخرها

"I've come to the Messenger of n when he was delivering the sermon. Then I said, 'O Messenger of Allah, a stranger came to you to ask about his religion, he did not know about his religion.' The Messenger had come to n, then taken to a chair and he sat on it. Begin to teach me what he was taught by God. Then he returned to continue his sermon until the end. "(Narrated by Muslim, no. 876)

So many suggestions and life stories depicting the Prophet n ketawadhu'an him. Likewise, the Companions of g. Stay back at the father and mother herself. Which roads would they want to chose for her baby? Teaches humility to find happiness in the two countries, or planting seeds to reap humiliation of pride in the world and the hereafter?

Allaah ta'ala a'lamu bish-shawab.

1 Thinatul khabal is sweating or feelings of the inhabitants of hell.

2 Hullah is clothing that consists of two pieces of clothes.

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