Saturday, December 19, 2009

British war memorial defaced with "Islam will dominate the world"

The graffiti was removed with lightning speed and the news report of the incident doesn't say what it said, but rather blames the "far right." Apparently there are forces in the U.K. who don't want people to know that some Muslims crow about how Islam will dominate.

"Vandals deface the town war memorial," by Richard Castle at the Burton Mail, December 18

A Royal British Legion boss says vandals have "dishonoured those who have given their lives for our country" by defacing Burton's war memorial.

Roy Whenman, vice-chairman of the town's Legion branch, received calls from members saying an extremist message had been written on the statue.

Having been informed at 9.20am, borough council chiefs had cleaned the graffiti from the relic, situated outside Burton College, in Lichfield Street, by 9.40am....

Dennis Fletcher, chairman of East Staffordshire Racial Equality Council, said he suspected someone from the far right was responsible....

Yes, of course, the "far right"! "Islam will dominate" is a common "far right" slogan!

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